import 'dotenv/config'; import mineflayer from 'mineflayer'; import { ChannelType, Client, GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js"; const mineflayerViewer = require('prismarine-viewer').mineflayer import { pathfinder, Movements, goals } from 'mineflayer-pathfinder'; import { plugin as autoeat } from 'mineflayer-auto-eat'; import { plugin as antihunger } from './antihunger' const hostname: string = "localhost" const goal: goals.Goal = new goals.GoalNear(0, 60, -2000000, 44) const updateTimeMinutes: number = 30 const minHealth: number = 0 const swingArmTimeSeconds: number = 3 const discordClient = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages] }); const discordChannelId: string = process.env.DISCORD_CHANNEL as string const discordToken: string = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN as string //TODO antiafk mineflayer plugin NEED autoeeat //maybe not need to merge, check if end. to diconnect from proxy make a command or somethin //todo maybe fix fall damage antihunger function sendMessageToChannel(message: string) { const channel = discordClient?.channels.cache.get(discordChannelId) if (channel?.type !== ChannelType.GuildText) return console.log(message) channel?.send(message) } function quit(reason: any) { sendMessageToChannel(`${bot.username} disconnected from ${hostname}, reason: ${reason}\n\tCoords: ${bot.entity?.position}\n\tDim: ${}\n\tHP: ${}`) bot.quit() } discordClient.login(discordToken); discordClient.once("ready", () => { console.log(`discord: Logged in as ${discordClient?.user?.tag}!`); }); const bot = mineflayer.createBot({ host: hostname, port: 25565, username: process.env.MINECRAFT_EMAIL as string, version: "1.12.2", auth: 'microsoft' }) bot.loadPlugin(pathfinder) bot.loadPlugin(autoeat) bot.loadPlugin(antihunger) bot.once('spawn', () => { mineflayerViewer(bot, { firstPerson: true, port: 3000 }); const defaultMove = new Movements(bot); defaultMove.allowParkour = false; defaultMove.maxDropDown = 3; (bot as any).autoEat.options.priority = 'saturation'; (bot as any).autoEat.options.startAt = 16; (bot as any).pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove); (bot as any).pathfinder.setGoal(goal); setTimeout(() => { sendMessageToChannel(`Joined ${hostname} with ${bot.username}\n\tCoords: ${bot.entity?.position}\n\tDim: ${}\n\tHP: ${}`) }, 2000); }) bot.on('entityMoved', (entity: any) => { if (entity.player === null || entity.username === undefined) return if (entity.username === bot.username) return if (eval(process.env.MINECRAFT_ALTS as string).includes(entity.username)) return quit(`player (${entity.username}) moved nearby`) }) bot.on('health', () => { if ( < minHealth) quit(`low hp: ${}`) }) setInterval(() => { if (bot._client.state !== "play") return sendMessageToChannel(`Currently on ${hostname} with ${bot.username}\n\tCoords: ${bot.entity?.position}\n\tDim: ${}\n\tHP: ${}`) }, updateTimeMinutes * 60 * 1000); setInterval(() => { if (bot._client.state !== "play") return bot.swingArm(undefined) //"Saturation: " + bot.foodSaturation + " Food: " + }, swingArmTimeSeconds * 1000); bot.on('death', () => { setTimeout(() => { quit("died") }, 3000); }) bot.on('kicked', (message: any) => { sendMessageToChannel(`Got kicked (message: ${message}) from on ${hostname} with ${bot.username}\n\tCoords: ${bot.entity?.position}\n\tDim: ${}\n\tHP: ${}`) }) bot.on('error', (message: any) => { sendMessageToChannel(`Got an error (error: ${message}) from on ${hostname} with ${bot.username}\n\tCoords: ${bot.entity?.position}\n\tDim: ${}\n\tHP: ${}`) })