use itertools::Itertools; use rand::seq::IteratorRandom; use reqwest::{Client, Response, StatusCode}; use url::Url; use lib::lib::*; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { println!("Hello, world! Im the crawler!"); let root_urls = include_str!("../top-1000-websites.txt"); let root_urls = root_urls.split('\n').collect(); let http_client = reqwest::Client::new(); crawler(http_client, root_urls).await; } //TODO: crawling depth? - async http client async fn crawler(http_client: Client, root_urls: Vec<&str>) { dbg!("Starting to crawl!"); //add root urls to queue - TODO: max q size let (tx_crawling_queue, rx_crawling_queue) = async_channel::bounded::(2222); for url in root_urls { tx_crawling_queue.send(url.to_string()).await.unwrap(); } //and start crawling loop { //even if we clone, the underlying queue implementation is still shared let tx_crawling_queue = tx_crawling_queue.clone(); let rx_crawling_queue = rx_crawling_queue.clone(); //blocks - we move it up here as to at least block for next url and not endesly spawn tasks let url = rx_crawling_queue.recv().await.unwrap(); let http_client = http_client.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let (content, crawled_urls) = match crawl_url(&http_client, url.as_str()).await { Err(e) => { println!("Error crawling ({}): {}", url, e); return; } Ok(result) => result, }; //DONT FORGET ENUMS //CAN WE DO UNWRAP OR RETURN or lambda //HOW TF DOES CRAWLER WORK. DOESNT QUEUE FILL. LOTS OF WAITING THINGS?? //dbg!("Content: {:?}", &content); dbg!("Next urls: {:?}", &crawled_urls); //push content to index let indexer_response = match push_crawl_entry_to_indexer( &http_client, "".to_string(), url, content, ) .await { Err(e) => { println!("{e}"); return; } Ok(res) => res.text().await, }; dbg!("Pushed to indexer {:?}", &indexer_response); for url in crawled_urls { tx_crawling_queue.send(url).await.unwrap(); } }); } } async fn crawl_url(http_client: &Client, url: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec), String> { dbg!("Crawling {:?}", url); let url = Url::parse(url).unwrap(); let response_text = match http_client.get(url.as_str()).send().await { Ok(text_res) if text_res.status() == StatusCode::OK => match text_res.text().await { Err(_) => { Err("Error unwrapping the fetched HTML's text (".to_owned() + url.as_str() + ")") } Ok(text) => Ok(text), }, _ => Err("Error fetching ".to_owned() + url.as_str()), }?; let document = scraper::Html::parse_document(response_text.as_str()); let valid_url = |check_url: &Url| match check_url { u if !(u.scheme() == "http" || u.scheme() == "https") => false, u if u.fragment().is_some() => false, //no # urls u if u.query().is_some() => false, //no ? urls u if *u == url => false, //no same url _ => true, }; let link_selector = scraper::Selector::parse("a").unwrap(); let next_urls = document .select(&link_selector) .filter_map(|link| link.value().attr("href")) .unique() .map(|u| url.join(u)) .filter(Result::is_ok) .map(Result::unwrap) .filter(valid_url) .map(String::from) .choose_multiple(&mut rand::thread_rng(), 2); //we shuffle as to minimise repeating links //normalise words somewhere //fuzzy? - iterate over keys //probs lots of places where we can borrow or not do stupid stuff //search for phrases? //http workings lagging behind crawler, what to do? //group responses and transmit them in an array of 10 or smth -> or maybe just lower q size! //use structs in database indexer //we need words priority or word list or smth (or in value of database show number of occurance or just val of importance of occurances) //i dont understand dbg! (how to print {}) //is there empty urls? //user agent? //frontend: search/query and redirect println!("Returning next urls, {:?}", next_urls); Ok((response_text, next_urls)) } async fn push_crawl_entry_to_indexer( http_client: &Client, indexer_url: String, url: String, content: String, ) -> Result { dbg!("Pushin to indexer"); let request_body = CrawledResource { url, content }; match http_client .post(&indexer_url) .json(&request_body) .send() .await { Err(_) => Err(format!( "Error pushing the crawler to indexer! {:?}", &indexer_url )), Ok(response) => Ok(response), } }