# Helmsman helmRepos: kafka-ui: https://provectus.github.io/kafka-ui-charts namespaces: default: metallb-system: apps: metallb: namespace: metallb-system enabled: true wait: true chart: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/metallb version: 6.1.3 priority: -5 # When deleting the resource this will get stuck as it should be deleted before "metallib". # To fix it, run: k delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.metallb-config.v1 metallb-config: namespace: metallb-system enabled: true wait: true chart: metallb-config version: 0.1.0 priority: -4 kafka: namespace: default enabled: true wait: true chart: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/kafka version: 28.1.1 priority: -3 set: controller.replicaCount: 1 controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds: 120 extraConfig: | offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 transaction.state.log.replication.factor=1 log.retention.hours=24 log.retention.bytes=2147483648 num.partitions=2 # To enable: helm install kafka-ui kafka-ui/kafka-ui -f kafka-ui.yml --version 0.7.6 kafka-ui: namespace: default enabled: false chart: kafka-ui/kafka-ui version: 0.7.6 priority: -2 valuesFile: kafka-ui.yml payload-processor: namespace: default enabled: true chart: payload-processor version: 0.1.0 priority: -1 set: image.tag: "payload-processor-$COMMIT_SHA" rest-api: namespace: default enabled: true chart: rest-api version: 0.1.0 priority: -1 set: image.tag: "rest-api-$COMMIT_SHA"