# KCC **Kindle Comic Converter** is a Python app to convert comic files or folders to ePub, Panel View MOBI or E-Ink optimized CBZ. It was initally developed for Kindle but since v2.2 it outputs valid ePub 2.0 so _**despite its name, KCC is actually a comic to EPUB converter that every e-reader owner can happily use**_. It can also optionally optimize images by applying a number of transformations. ### A word of warning **KCC** _is not_ [Amazon's Kindle Comic Creator](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1001103761) nor is in any way endorsed by Amazon. Amazon's tool is for comic publishers and involves a lot of manual effort, while **KCC** is for comic readers. _KC2_ in no way is a replacement for **KCC** so you can be quite confident we'll going to carry on developing our little monster ;-) ### Issues / new features / donations If you have general questions about usage, feedback etc. please [post it here](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207461). If you have some **technical** problems using KCC please [file an issue here](https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/issues/new). If you can fix an open issue, fork & make a pull request. If you want more chances an issue is fixes or your wanted feature added, consider [placing a bounty](https://www.bountysource.com/trackers/65571-ciromattia-kcc)! If you find **KCC** valuable you can consider donating to the authors: * Ciro Mattia Gonano: [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=D8WNYNPBGDAS2) [![Flattr this](http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](http://flattr.com/thing/2260449/ciromattiakcc-on-GitHub) * Paweł Jastrzębski: [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YTTJ4LK2JDHPS) [![1W15wwqsfd7wbaZ6wvSJf1LW1bz6q5L8b](http://s30.postimg.org/6z3kwvdlp/BC_Rnd.png)](bitcoin:1W15wwqsfd7wbaZ6wvSJf1LW1bz6q5L8b?label=KCC) [1W15wwqsfd7wbaZ6wvSJf1LW1bz6q5L8b](bitcoin:1W15wwqsfd7wbaZ6wvSJf1LW1bz6q5L8b?label=KCC) ## BINARY RELEASES You can find the latest released binary at the following links: - **Windows:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Windows/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Windows/) - **Linux:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Linux/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Linux/) - **OS X 10.8+:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/OSX/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/OSX/) ## INPUT FORMATS **KCC** can understand and convert, at the moment, the following input types: - Folders containing: PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF or BMP files - CBZ, ZIP - CBR, RAR *(With `unrar` executable)* - CB7, 7Z *(With `7za` executable)* - PDF *(Extracting only contained JPG images)* ## OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS - [KindleGen](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765211) v2.9+ in a directory reachable by your _PATH_ or in _KCC_ directory *(For MOBI generation)* - [UnRAR](http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm) *(For CBR/RAR support)* - [7za](http://www.7-zip.org/download.html) *(For 7z/CB7 support)* ### For running from source: - Python 3.3 - [PyQt5](http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download5) - [Pillow](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/) 2.3.0+ - [psutil](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil) - [python-slugify](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-slugify) ### For freezing code: - Windows - [cx_Freeze](https://bitbucket.org/anthony_tuininga/cx_freeze) version 4.3.2 with [this](https://bitbucket.org/anthony_tuininga/cx_freeze/pull-request/29/conversions-to-support-untranslated-wide) patchset. - OS X - [py2app](https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/py2app) HEAD version. ## USAGE Should be pretty self-explanatory. All options have detailed informations in tooltips. After completed conversion you should find ready file alongside the original input file (same directory). Please check [our wiki](https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/wiki/) for more details. ### Standalone `comic2ebook.py` usage: ``` Usage: comic2ebook.py [options] comic_file|comic_folder Options: MAIN: -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE Device profile (Choose one among K1, K2, K345, KDX, KHD, KF, KFHD, KFHD8, KFHDX, KFHDX8, KFA, KoMT, KoG, KoA, KoAHD) [Default=KHD] -q QUALITY, --quality=QUALITY Quality of Panel View. 0 - Normal 1 - High 2 - Ultra [Default=0] -m, --manga-style Manga style (Right-to-left reading and splitting) -w, --webtoon Webtoon processing mode OUTPUT SETTINGS: -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Output generated file to specified directory or file -t TITLE, --title=TITLE Comic title [Default=filename or directory name] --cbz-output Outputs a CBZ archive and does not generate EPUB --batchsplit Split output into multiple files PROCESSING: --blackborders Disable autodetection and force black borders --whiteborders Disable autodetection and force white borders --forcecolor Don't convert images to grayscale --forcepng Create PNG files instead JPEG --gamma=GAMMA Apply gamma correction to linearize the image [Default=Auto] --nocutpagenumbers Don't try to cut page numbering on images --noprocessing Don't apply image preprocessing --nosplitrotate Disable splitting and rotation --rotate Rotate landscape pages instead of splitting them --stretch Stretch images to device's resolution --upscale Resize images smaller than device's resolution CUSTOM PROFILE: --customwidth=CUSTOMWIDTH Replace screen width provided by device profile --customheight=CUSTOMHEIGHT Replace screen height provided by device profile OTHER: -v, --verbose Verbose output -h, --help Show this help message and exit ``` ### Standalone `comic2panel.py` usage: ``` Usage: comic2panel.py [options] comic_folder Options: MANDATORY: -y HEIGHT, --height=HEIGHT Height of the target device screen -i, --in-place Overwrite source directory -m, --merge Combine every directory into a single image before splitting OTHER: -d, --debug Create debug file for every splitted image -h, --help Show this help message and exit ``` ## CREDITS **KCC** is made by [Ciro Mattia Gonano](http://github.com/ciromattia) and [Paweł Jastrzębski](http://github.com/AcidWeb) This script born as a cross-platform alternative to `KindleComicParser` by **Dc5e** (published [here](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192783)) The app relies and includes the following scripts/binaries: - `KindleUnpack` script by Charles **M. Hannum, P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding**. Released with GPLv3 License. - `rarfile.py` script © 2005-2011 **Marko Kreen** . Released with ISC License. - `image.py` class from **Alex Yatskov**'s [Mangle](http://foosoft.net/mangle/) with subsequent [proDOOMman](https://github.com/proDOOMman/Mangle)'s and [Birua](https://github.com/Birua/Mangle)'s patches. - Icon is by **Nikolay Verin** ([http://ncrow.deviantart.com/](http://ncrow.deviantart.com/)) and released under [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) License. ## SAMPLE FILES CREATED BY KCC * [Kindle Paperwhite](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KPW.mobi) * [Kindle](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-K345.mobi) * [Kindle DX/DXG](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KDX.mobi) * [Kindle Fire HD](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHD.mobi) * [Kindle Fire HD 8.9"](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHD8.mobi) * [Kindle Fire HDX](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHDX.mobi) * [Kindle Fire HDX 8.9"](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHDX8.mobi) * [Kobo Mini/Touch](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoMT.cbz) * [Kobo Glow](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoG.cbz) * [Kobo Aura](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoA.cbz) * [Kobo Aura HD](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoAHD.cbz) ## CHANGELOG ####1.0 * Initial version ####1.1 * Added support for CBZ/CBR files in comic2ebook.py ####1.1.1 * Added support for CBZ/CBR files in Kindle Comic Converter ####1.2 * Comic optimizations! Split pages not target-oriented (landscape with portrait target or portrait with landscape target), add palette and other image optimizations from Mangle. WARNING: PIL is required for all image mangling! ####1.3 * Fixed an issue in OPF generation for device resolution * Reworked options system (call with -h option to get the inline help) ####1.4 * Added some options for controlling image optimization * Further optimization (ImageOps, page numbering cut, autocontrast) ####1.4.1 * Fixed a serious bug on resizing when img ratio was bigger than device one ####1.5 * Added subfolder support for multiple chapters. ####2.0 * GUI! AppleScript is gone and Tk is used to provide cross-platform GUI support. ####2.1 * Added basic error reporting ####2.2: * Added (valid!) ePub 2.0 output * Rename .zip files to .cbz to avoid overwriting ####2.3 * Fixed win32 ePub generation, folder handling, filenames with spaces and subfolders ####2.4 * Use temporary directory as workdir (fixes converting from external volumes and zipfiles renaming) * Fixed "add folders" from GUI. ####2.5 * Added --black-borders option to set added borders black when page's ratio is not the device's one (#11). * Fixes epub containing zipped itself (#10) ####2.6 * Added --rotate option to rotate landscape images instead of splitting them (#16, #24) * Added --output option to customize ePub output dir/file (#22) * Add rendition:layout and rendition:orientation ePub meta tags (supported by new kindlegen 2.8) * Fixed natural sorting for files (#18) ####2.7 * Lots of GUI improvements (#27, #13) * Added gamma support within --gamma option (defaults to profile-specified gamma) (#26, #27) * Added --nodithering option to prevent dithering optimizations (#27) * Epub margins support (#30) * Fixed no file added if file has no spaces on Windows (#25) * Gracefully exit if unrar missing (#15) * Do not call kindlegen if source epub is bigger than 320MB (#17) * Get filetype from magic number (#14) * PDF conversion works again ####2.8 * Updated rarfile library * Panel View support + HQ support (#36) - new option: --nopanelviewhq * Split profiles for K4NT and K4T * Rewrite of Landscape Mode support (huge readability improvement for KPW) * Upscale use now BILINEAR method * Added generic CSS file * Optimized archive extraction for zip/rar files (#40) ####2.9 * Added support for generating a plain CBZ (skipping all the EPUB/Mobi generation) (#45) * Prevent output file overwriting the source one: if a duplicate name is detected, append _kcc to the name * Rarfile library updated to 2.6 * Added GIF, TIFF and BMP to supported formats (#42) * Filenames slugifications (#28, #31, #9, #8) ####2.10: * Multiprocessing support * Kindle Fire support (color ePub/Mobi) * Panel View support for horizontal content * Fixed panel order for horizontal pages when --rotate is enabled * Disabled cropping and page number cutting for blank pages * Fixed some slugify issues with specific file naming conventions (#50, #51) ####3.0: * New QT GUI * Merge with AWKCC * Added ultra quality mode * Added support for custom width/height * Added option to disable color conversion ####3.1: * Added profile: Kindle for Android * Add file/directory dialogs now support multiselect * Many small fixes and tweaks ####3.2: * Too big EPUB files are now splitted before conversion to MOBI * Added experimental parser of manga webtoons * Improved error handling ####3.2.1: * Hotfixed crash occurring on OS with Russian locale ####3.3: * Margins are now automatically omitted in Panel View mode * Margin color fill is now autodetected * Created MOBI files are not longer marked as _Personal_ on newer Kindle models * Layout of panels in Panel View mode is now automatically adjusted to content * Fixed Kindle 2/DX/DXG profiles - no more blank pages * All Kindle Fire profiles now support hiqh quality Panel View * Added support of 7z/CB7 files * Added Kindle Fire HDX profile * Support for Virtual Panel View was removed * Profiles for Kindle Keyboard, Touch and Non-Touch are now merged * Windows release is now bundled with UnRAR and 7za * Small GUI tweaks ####3.4: * Improved PNG output * Increased quality of upscaling * Added support of file association - KCC can now open CBZ, CBR, CB7, ZIP, RAR, 7Z and PDF files directly * Paths that contain UTF-8 characters are now supported * Migrated to new version of Pillow library * Merged DX and DXG profiles * Many other minor bug fixes and GUI tweaks ####3.5: * Added simple content server - Converted files can be now delivered wireless * Added proper Windows installer * Improved multiprocessing speed * GUI tweaks and minor bug fixes ####3.6: * Increased quality of Panel View zoom * Creation of multipart MOBI output is now faster on machines with 4GB+ RAM * Automatic gamma correction now distinguishes color and grayscale images * Added ComicRack metadata parser * Implemented new method to detect border color in non-webtoon comics * Upscaling is now enabled by default for Kindle Fire HD/HDX * Windows nad Linux releases now have tray icon * Fixed Kindle Fire HDX 7" output * Increased target resolution for Kindle DX/DXG CBZ output ####3.6.1: * Fixed PNG output ####3.6.2: * Fixed previous PNG output fix * Fixed Panel View anomalies ####3.7: * Added profiles for KOBO devices * Improved Panel View support * Improved WebToon splitter * Improved margin color autodetection * Tweaked EPUB output * Fixed stretching option * GUI tweaks and minor bugfixes ####3.7.1: * Hotfixed Kobo profiles ####3.7.2: * Fixed problems with HQ mode ####4.0: ## KNOWN ISSUES Please check [wiki page](https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/wiki/Known-issues). ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ciro Mattia Gonano and Paweł Jastrzębski. **KCC** is released under ISC LICENSE; see LICENSE.txt for further details.