# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Ciro Mattia Gonano # Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Pawel Jastrzebski # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all # copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL # WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA # OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER # TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import os import sys from shutil import rmtree, copytree, move from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup from multiprocessing import Pool from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageOps, ImageDraw from .shared import getImageFileName, walkLevel, walkSort, sanitizeTrace try: from PyQt5 import QtCore except ImportError: QtCore = None def mergeDirectoryTick(output): if output: mergeWorkerOutput.append(output) mergeWorkerPool.terminate() if GUI: GUI.progressBarTick.emit('tick') if not GUI.conversionAlive: mergeWorkerPool.terminate() def mergeDirectory(work): try: directory = work[0] images = [] imagesValid = [] sizes = [] targetHeight = 0 for root, _, files in walkLevel(directory, 0): for name in files: if getImageFileName(name) is not None: i = Image.open(os.path.join(root, name)) images.append([os.path.join(root, name), i.size[0], i.size[1]]) sizes.append(i.size[0]) if len(images) > 0: targetWidth = max(set(sizes), key=sizes.count) for i in images: if i[1] <= targetWidth: targetHeight += i[2] imagesValid.append(i[0]) # Silently drop directories that contain too many images # 131072 = GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE / 4 if targetHeight > 131072: return None result = Image.new('RGB', (targetWidth, targetHeight)) y = 0 for i in imagesValid: img = Image.open(i).convert('RGB') if img.size[0] < targetWidth: img = ImageOps.fit(img, (targetWidth, img.size[1]), method=Image.BICUBIC, centering=(0.5, 0.5)) result.paste(img, (0, y)) y += img.size[1] os.remove(i) savePath = os.path.split(imagesValid[0]) result.save(os.path.join(savePath[0], os.path.splitext(savePath[1])[0] + '.png'), 'PNG') except Exception: return str(sys.exc_info()[1]), sanitizeTrace(sys.exc_info()[2]) def detectSolid(img): return not ImageChops.invert(img).getbbox() or not img.getbbox() def splitImageTick(output): if output: splitWorkerOutput.append(output) splitWorkerPool.terminate() if GUI: GUI.progressBarTick.emit('tick') if not GUI.conversionAlive: splitWorkerPool.terminate() # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable def splitImage(work): try: path = work[0] name = work[1] opt = work[2] filePath = os.path.join(path, name) imgOrg = Image.open(filePath).convert('RGB') imgProcess = Image.open(filePath).convert('1') widthImg, heightImg = imgOrg.size if heightImg > opt.height: if opt.debug: drawImg = Image.open(filePath).convert(mode='RGBA') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(drawImg) # Find panels yWork = 0 panelDetected = False panels = [] while yWork < heightImg: tmpImg = imgProcess.crop([0, yWork, widthImg, yWork + 4]) solid = detectSolid(tmpImg) if not solid and not panelDetected: panelDetected = True panelY1 = yWork - 2 if solid and panelDetected: panelDetected = False panelY2 = yWork + 6 panels.append((panelY1, panelY2, panelY2 - panelY1)) yWork += 5 # Split too big panels panelsProcessed = [] for panel in panels: if panel[2] <= opt.height * 1.5: panelsProcessed.append(panel) elif panel[2] < opt.height * 2: diff = panel[2] - opt.height panelsProcessed.append((panel[0], panel[1] - diff, opt.height)) panelsProcessed.append((panel[1] - opt.height, panel[1], opt.height)) else: parts = round(panel[2] / opt.height) diff = panel[2] // parts for x in range(0, parts): panelsProcessed.append((panel[0] + (x * diff), panel[1] - ((parts - x - 1) * diff), diff)) if opt.debug: for panel in panelsProcessed: draw.rectangle([(0, panel[0]), (widthImg, panel[1])], (0, 255, 0, 128), (0, 0, 255, 255)) debugImage = Image.alpha_composite(imgOrg.convert(mode='RGBA'), drawImg) debugImage.save(os.path.join(path, os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '-debug.png'), 'PNG') # Create virtual pages pages = [] currentPage = [] pageLeft = opt.height panelNumber = 0 for panel in panelsProcessed: if pageLeft - panel[2] > 0: pageLeft -= panel[2] currentPage.append(panelNumber) panelNumber += 1 else: if len(currentPage) > 0: pages.append(currentPage) pageLeft = opt.height - panel[2] currentPage = [panelNumber] panelNumber += 1 if len(currentPage) > 0: pages.append(currentPage) # Create pages pageNumber = 1 for page in pages: pageHeight = 0 targetHeight = 0 for panel in page: pageHeight += panelsProcessed[panel][2] if pageHeight > 15: newPage = Image.new('RGB', (widthImg, pageHeight)) for panel in page: panelImg = imgOrg.crop([0, panelsProcessed[panel][0], widthImg, panelsProcessed[panel][1]]) newPage.paste(panelImg, (0, targetHeight)) targetHeight += panelsProcessed[panel][2] newPage.save(os.path.join(path, os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '-' + str(pageNumber) + '.png'), 'PNG') pageNumber += 1 os.remove(filePath) except Exception: return str(sys.exc_info()[1]), sanitizeTrace(sys.exc_info()[2]) def main(argv=None, qtgui=None): global options, GUI, splitWorkerPool, splitWorkerOutput, mergeWorkerPool, mergeWorkerOutput parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: kcc-c2p [options] comic_folder", add_help_option=False) mainOptions = OptionGroup(parser, "MANDATORY") otherOptions = OptionGroup(parser, "OTHER") mainOptions.add_option("-y", "--height", type="int", dest="height", default=0, help="Height of the target device screen") mainOptions.add_option("-i", "--in-place", action="store_true", dest="inPlace", default=False, help="Overwrite source directory") mainOptions.add_option("-m", "--merge", action="store_true", dest="merge", default=False, help="Combine every directory into a single image before splitting") otherOptions.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Create debug file for every split image") otherOptions.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit") parser.add_option_group(mainOptions) parser.add_option_group(otherOptions) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if qtgui: GUI = qtgui else: GUI = None if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() return 1 if options.height > 0: options.sourceDir = args[0] options.targetDir = args[0] + "-Splitted" if os.path.isdir(options.sourceDir): rmtree(options.targetDir, True) copytree(options.sourceDir, options.targetDir) work = [] pagenumber = 1 splitWorkerOutput = [] splitWorkerPool = Pool(maxtasksperchild=10) if options.merge: print("Merging images...") directoryNumer = 1 mergeWork = [] mergeWorkerOutput = [] mergeWorkerPool = Pool(maxtasksperchild=10) mergeWork.append([options.targetDir]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(options.targetDir, False): dirs, files = walkSort(dirs, files) for directory in dirs: directoryNumer += 1 mergeWork.append([os.path.join(root, directory)]) if GUI: GUI.progressBarTick.emit('Combining images') GUI.progressBarTick.emit(str(directoryNumer)) for i in mergeWork: mergeWorkerPool.apply_async(func=mergeDirectory, args=(i, ), callback=mergeDirectoryTick) mergeWorkerPool.close() mergeWorkerPool.join() if GUI and not GUI.conversionAlive: rmtree(options.targetDir, True) raise UserWarning("Conversion interrupted.") if len(mergeWorkerOutput) > 0: rmtree(options.targetDir, True) raise RuntimeError("One of workers crashed. Cause: " + mergeWorkerOutput[0][0], mergeWorkerOutput[0][1]) print("Splitting images...") for root, _, files in os.walk(options.targetDir, False): for name in files: if getImageFileName(name) is not None: pagenumber += 1 work.append([root, name, options]) else: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) if GUI: GUI.progressBarTick.emit('Splitting images') GUI.progressBarTick.emit(str(pagenumber)) GUI.progressBarTick.emit('tick') if len(work) > 0: for i in work: splitWorkerPool.apply_async(func=splitImage, args=(i, ), callback=splitImageTick) splitWorkerPool.close() splitWorkerPool.join() if GUI and not GUI.conversionAlive: rmtree(options.targetDir, True) raise UserWarning("Conversion interrupted.") if len(splitWorkerOutput) > 0: rmtree(options.targetDir, True) raise RuntimeError("One of workers crashed. Cause: " + splitWorkerOutput[0][0], splitWorkerOutput[0][1]) if options.inPlace: rmtree(options.sourceDir) move(options.targetDir, options.sourceDir) else: rmtree(options.targetDir, True) raise UserWarning("Source directory is empty.") else: raise UserWarning("Provided path is not a directory.") else: raise UserWarning("Target height is not set.")