#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ pip/py2exe/py2app build script for KCC. Usage (Windows): py -3.4 setup.py py2exe Usage (Linux): python3 setup.py make_pyz or python3 setup.py install Usage (Mac OS X): python3 setup.py py2app """ from sys import platform, version_info, argv from kcc import __version__ if version_info[0] != 3: print('ERROR: This is Python 3 script!') exit(1) NAME = 'KindleComicConverter' VERSION = __version__ MAIN = 'kcc.py' extra_options = {} if platform == 'darwin': from setuptools import setup from os import chmod, makedirs, system from shutil import copyfile extra_options = dict( setup_requires=['py2app'], app=[MAIN], options=dict( py2app=dict( argv_emulation=True, iconfile='icons/comic2ebook.icns', includes=['sip'], resources=['LICENSE.txt', 'other/qt.conf', 'other/Additional-LICENSE.txt', 'other/unrar', 'other/7za'], plist=dict( CFBundleName='Kindle Comic Converter', CFBundleShortVersionString=VERSION, CFBundleGetInfoString=NAME + ' ' + VERSION + ', written 2012-2015 by Ciro Mattia Gonano and Pawel Jastrzebski', CFBundleExecutable=NAME, CFBundleDocumentTypes=[ dict( CFBundleTypeExtensions=['cbz', 'cbr', 'cb7', 'zip', 'rar', '7z', 'pdf'], CFBundleTypeName='Comics', CFBundleTypeIconFile='comic2ebook.icns', CFBundleTypeRole='Editor', ) ], LSMinimumSystemVersion='10.8.0', LSEnvironment=dict( PATH='./../Resources:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' ), NSHumanReadableCopyright='ISC License (ISCL)' ) ) ) ) elif platform == 'win32': import py2exe from platform import architecture from distutils.core import setup if architecture()[0] == '64bit': suffix = '_64' else: suffix = '' additional_files = [('platforms', ['C:\Python34' + suffix + '\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll']), ('', ['LICENSE.txt', 'other\\7za.exe', 'other\\UnRAR.exe', 'other\\Additional-LICENSE.txt', 'C:\Python34' + suffix + '\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\libGLESv2.dll', 'C:\Python34' + suffix + '\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\libEGL.dll'])] extra_options = dict( options={'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1, 'dist_dir': 'dist' + suffix, 'compressed': True, 'includes': ['sip'], 'excludes': ['tkinter'], 'optimize': 2}}, windows=[{'script': MAIN, 'dest_base': 'KCC', 'version': VERSION, 'copyright': 'Ciro Mattia Gonano, Pawel Jastrzebski © 2012-2015', 'legal_copyright': 'ISC License (ISCL)', 'product_version': VERSION, 'product_name': 'Kindle Comic Converter', 'file_description': 'Kindle Comic Converter', 'icon_resources': [(1, 'icons\comic2ebook.ico')]}], zipfile=None, data_files=additional_files) else: if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == 'make_pyz': from os import system script = ''' cp kcc.py __main__.py zip kcc.zip __main__.py kcc/*.py echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3" > kcc-bin cat kcc.zip >> kcc-bin chmod +x kcc-bin cp kcc-c2e.py __main__.py zip kcc-c2e.zip __main__.py kcc/*.py echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3" > kcc-c2e-bin cat kcc-c2e.zip >> kcc-c2e-bin chmod +x kcc-c2e-bin cp kcc-c2p.py __main__.py zip kcc-c2p.zip __main__.py kcc/*.py echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3" > kcc-c2p-bin cat kcc-c2p.zip >> kcc-c2p-bin chmod +x kcc-c2p-bin tar --xform s:^.*/:: --xform s/LICENSE.txt/LICENSE/ --xform s/kcc-bin/kcc/ --xform s/kcc-c2p-bin/kcc-c2p/ \ --xform s/kcc-c2e-bin/kcc-c2e/ --xform s/comic2ebook/kcc/ -czf KindleComicConverter_linux_'''\ + VERSION + '''.tar.gz kcc-bin kcc-c2e-bin kcc-c2p-bin LICENSE.txt README.md icons/comic2ebook.png rm __main__.py kcc.zip kcc-c2e.zip kcc-c2p.zip kcc-bin kcc-c2e-bin kcc-c2p-bin ''' system("bash -c '%s'" % script) exit(0) else: from setuptools import setup from os import makedirs from shutil import copyfile makedirs('build/_scripts/', exist_ok=True) copyfile('kcc.py', 'build/_scripts/kcc') copyfile('kcc-c2e.py', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2e') copyfile('kcc-c2p.py', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2p') extra_options = dict( scripts=['build/_scripts/kcc', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2e', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2p'], packages=['kcc'], install_requires=[ 'Pillow>=2.8.2', 'psutil>=3.0.0', 'python-slugify>=1.1.3', 'scandir>=1.1.0', ], zip_safe=False, ) setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, author='Ciro Mattia Gonano, Pawel Jastrzebski', author_email='ciromattia@gmail.com, pawelj@iosphe.re', description='Comic and manga converter for E-Book readers.', license='ISC License (ISCL)', keywords='kindle comic mobipocket mobi cbz cbr manga', url='http://github.com/ciromattia/kcc', **extra_options ) if platform == 'darwin': makedirs('dist/Kindle Comic Converter.app/Contents/PlugIns/platforms', exist_ok=True) copyfile('other/libqcocoa.dylib', 'dist/Kindle Comic Converter.app/Contents/PlugIns/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib') chmod('dist/Kindle Comic Converter.app/Contents/Resources/unrar', 0o777) chmod('dist/Kindle Comic Converter.app/Contents/Resources/7za', 0o777) system('appdmg setup.json dist/KindleComicConverter_osx_' + VERSION + '.dmg')