global isr0 global isr1 global isr2 global isr3 global isr4 global isr5 global isr6 global isr7 global isr8 global isr9 global isr10 global isr11 global isr12 global isr13 global isr14 global isr15 global isr16 global isr17 global isr18 global isr19 global isr20 global isr21 global isr22 global isr23 global isr24 global isr25 global isr26 global isr27 global isr28 global isr29 global isr30 global isr31 ; 0: Divide By Zero Exception isr0: cli push byte 0 push byte 0 jmp isr_common_stub ; 1: Debug Exception isr1: cli push byte 0 push byte 1 jmp isr_common_stub ; 2: Non Maskable Interrupt Exception isr2: cli push byte 0 push byte 2 jmp isr_common_stub ; 3: Int 3 Exception isr3: cli push byte 0 push byte 3 jmp isr_common_stub ; 4: INTO Exception isr4: cli push byte 0 push byte 4 jmp isr_common_stub ; 5: Out of Bounds Exception isr5: cli push byte 0 push byte 5 jmp isr_common_stub ; 6: Invalid Opcode Exception isr6: cli push byte 0 push byte 6 jmp isr_common_stub ; 7: Coprocessor Not Available Exception isr7: cli push byte 0 push byte 7 jmp isr_common_stub ; 8: Double Fault Exception (With Error Code!) isr8: cli push byte 8 jmp isr_common_stub ; 9: Coprocessor Segment Overrun Exception isr9: cli push byte 0 push byte 9 jmp isr_common_stub ; 10: Bad TSS Exception (With Error Code!) isr10: cli push byte 10 jmp isr_common_stub ; 11: Segment Not Present Exception (With Error Code!) isr11: cli push byte 11 jmp isr_common_stub ; 12: Stack Fault Exception (With Error Code!) isr12: cli push byte 12 jmp isr_common_stub ; 13: General Protection Fault Exception (With Error Code!) isr13: cli push byte 13 jmp isr_common_stub ; 14: Page Fault Exception (With Error Code!) isr14: cli push byte 14 jmp isr_common_stub ; 15: Reserved Exception isr15: cli push byte 0 push byte 15 jmp isr_common_stub ; 16: Floating Point Exception isr16: cli push byte 0 push byte 16 jmp isr_common_stub ; 17: Alignment Check Exception isr17: cli push byte 0 push byte 17 jmp isr_common_stub ; 18: Machine Check Exception isr18: cli push byte 0 push byte 18 jmp isr_common_stub ; 19: Reserved isr19: cli push byte 0 push byte 19 jmp isr_common_stub ; 20: Reserved isr20: cli push byte 0 push byte 20 jmp isr_common_stub ; 21: Reserved isr21: cli push byte 0 push byte 21 jmp isr_common_stub ; 22: Reserved isr22: cli push byte 0 push byte 22 jmp isr_common_stub ; 23: Reserved isr23: cli push byte 0 push byte 23 jmp isr_common_stub ; 24: Reserved isr24: cli push byte 0 push byte 24 jmp isr_common_stub ; 25: Reserved isr25: cli push byte 0 push byte 25 jmp isr_common_stub ; 26: Reserved isr26: cli push byte 0 push byte 26 jmp isr_common_stub ; 27: Reserved isr27: cli push byte 0 push byte 27 jmp isr_common_stub ; 28: Reserved isr28: cli push byte 0 push byte 28 jmp isr_common_stub ; 29: Reserved isr29: cli push byte 0 push byte 29 jmp isr_common_stub ; 30: Reserved isr30: cli push byte 0 push byte 30 jmp isr_common_stub ; 31: Reserved isr31: cli push byte 0 push byte 31 jmp isr_common_stub ; We call a C function in here. We need to let the assembler know ; that '_fault_handler' exists in another file extern fault_handler ; This is our common ISR stub. It saves the processor state, sets ; up for kernel mode segments, calls the C-level fault handler, ; and finally restores the stack frame. isr_common_stub: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax, 0x10 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov eax, esp push eax mov eax, fault_handler call eax pop eax pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa add esp, 8 iret