# Xwinwrap My fork of xwinwrap. (With some added settings) Xwinwrap allows you to stick most of the apps to your desktop background. My use case - can use gif as a background ![demo gif](https://github.com/ujjwal96/xwinwrap/blob/demo/demo.gif) ### Installing ``` sudo apt-get install xorg-dev build-essential libx11-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxrender-dev libxext-dev git clone https://github.com/ujjwal96/xwinwrap.git cd xwinwrap make sudo make install make clean ``` ### Usage ``` Usage: xwinwrap [-g {w}x{h}+{x}+{y}] [-ni] [-argb] [-fdt] [-fs] [-s] [-st] [-sp] [-a] [-d] [-b] [-nf] [-o OPACITY] [-sh SHAPE] [-ov]-- COMMAND ARG1... Options: -g - Specify Geometry (w=width, h=height, x=x-coord, y=y-coord. ex: -g 640x480+100+100) -ni - Ignore Input -argb - RGB -fdt - force WID window a desktop type window -fs - Full Screen -un - Undecorated -s - Sticky -st - Skip Taskbar -sp - Skip Pager -a - Above -b - Below -nf - No Focus -o - Opacity value between 0 to 1 (ex: -o 0.20) -sh - Shape of window (choose between rectangle, circle or triangle. Default is rectangle) -ov - Set override_redirect flag (For seamless desktop background integration in non-fullscreenmode) -d - Daemonize -r - Assume the root window is the desktop -debug - Enable debug messages ``` Example `xwinwrap -g 400x400 -ni -s -nf -b -r -un -argb -sh circle -- gifview -w WID mygif.gif -a` ### Changes * Added the -r setting ---- Original source - https://launchpad.net/xwinwrap