use itertools::Itertools;
use reqwest::blocking::{Client, Response};
use serde::Serialize;
async fn main() {
println!("Hello, world! Im the crawler!");
let root_urls = include_str!("../top-1000-websites.txt");
let root_urls = root_urls.split('\n').collect();
let http_client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
crawler(http_client, root_urls).await;
//TODO: crawling depth? - async http client
async fn crawler(http_client: Client, root_urls: Vec<&str>) {
println!("Starting to crawl!");
//add root urls to queue - TODO: max q size
let (tx_crawling_queue, rx_crawling_queue) = async_channel::bounded::<String>(4444);
for url in root_urls {
//and start crawling
loop {
//even if we clone, the underlying queue implementation is still shared
let tx_crawling_queue = tx_crawling_queue.clone();
let rx_crawling_queue = rx_crawling_queue.clone();
//blocks - we move it up here as to at least block for next url and not endesly spawn tasks
let url = rx_crawling_queue.recv().await.unwrap();
let http_client = http_client.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let crawl_res = crawl_url(&http_client, url.as_str()).await;
if crawl_res.is_err() {
println!("Error crawling {}", url);
let (content, crawled_urls) = crawl_res.unwrap();
//println!("Content: {:?}", content);
println!("Next urls: {:?}", crawled_urls);
//push content to index
let indexer_res = push_crawl_entry_to_indexer(
println!("Pushed to indexer {:?}", &indexer_res);
for url in crawled_urls {
async fn crawl_url(http_client: &Client, url: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<String>), String> {
println!("Crawling {:?}", url);
let response_res = http_client.get(url).send();
if response_res.is_err() {
return Err("Error fetching ".to_owned() + url);
let response_text_res = response_res.unwrap().text();
if response_text_res.is_err() {
return Err("Error unwrapping the fetched HTML's text (".to_owned() + url + ")");
let response_text = response_text_res.unwrap();
let document = scraper::Html::parse_document(response_text.as_str());
let link_selector = scraper::Selector::parse("a").unwrap();
let next_urls = document
.filter_map(|link| link.value().attr("href"))
//we need to not append http if already has it
let fixup_urls = |us: Vec<String>| {
.map(|u| {
if u.starts_with("//") {
format!("https:{}", &u)
} else if u.starts_with('/') {
format!("{}{}", &url, &u)
} else {
let next_urls = fixup_urls(next_urls);
//limit to 2 or smth for ram? or depth
//normalise words somewhere
//probs lots of places where we can borrow or not do stupid stuff
//search for phrases?
//why multiple '/' at the end of sites"
Ok((response_text, next_urls))
async fn push_crawl_entry_to_indexer(
http_client: &Client,
indexer_url: String,
url: String,
content: String,
) -> Result<Response, String> {
println!("Pushin to indexer");
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Resource {
url: String,
content: String,
let request_body = Resource { url, content };
let response_res =;
if response_res.is_err() {
return Err(format!(
"Error pushing the crawler to indexer! {:?}",