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**KindleComicConverter** is a Python app to convert comic files or folders to ePub or Panel View MOBI.
It was initally developed for Kindle but since v2.2 it outputs valid ePub 2.0 so _**despite its name, KCC is
actually a comic to EPUB converter that every e-reader owner can happily use**_.
It can also optionally optimize images by applying a number of transformations.

### A word of warning
**KCC** _is not_ [Amazon's Kindle Comic Creator](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1001103761) nor is in any way endorsed by Amazon.  
Amazon's tool is for comic publishers and involves a lot of manual effort, while **KCC** is for comic readers.
If you want to read some comments over *Amazon's KC2* you can take a look at [this](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207461&page=7#96) and [that](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211047) threads on Mobileread.
_KC2_ in no way is a replacement for **KCC** so you can be quite confident we'll going to carry on developing our little monster ;)

### Donations
If you find **KCC** valuable you can consider donating to the authors:

* Ciro Mattia Gonano [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=D8WNYNPBGDAS2)
* Paweł Jastrzębski [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YTTJ4LK2JDHPS)

You can find the latest released binary at the following links:
- **Win64:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Win64/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Win64/)
- **Win32:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Win32/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Win32/)
- **OS X:** [http://kcc.vulturis.eu/OSX/](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/OSX/)
- **Linux:** Just download sourcecode and launch: `python kcc.py`

_It has been reported by a couple of users that version 2.10 crashing on OSX at start. We don't know if that issue still exist in version 3.0.
If it happens to you please append your message to [Issue #52](https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/issues/52)._

**KCC** can understand and convert, at the moment, the following file types:
- Folders
- CBR, RAR *(With `unrar` executable)*
- PDF *(Extracting only contained JPG images)*

- [KindleGen](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765211) v2.9+ in a directory reachable by your _PATH_ or in _KCC_ directory *(For .mobi generation)*
- [UnRAR](http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm) *(For CBR/RAR support)*

### For compiling/running from source:
- Python 2.7 - Included in MacOS and Linux, follow the [official documentation](http://www.python.org/getit/windows/) to install on Windows.
- PyQt4 - Please refer to official documentation for installing into your system.
- [Pillow](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/) - For comic optimizations. Please refer to official documentation for installing into your system.


### Important tips:
* Use high quality source files. **This little detail have a major impact on the final result.**
* Read tooltip of _High/Ultra quality_ option. There are many important informations there.
* When converting images smaller than device resolution remember to enable upscaling.
* Check our [wiki](https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/wiki/Other-devices) for a list of tested Non-Kindle E-Readers.
* The first image found will be set as the comic's cover.
* All files/directories will be added to EPUB in alphabetical order.
* Output MOBI file should be uploaded via USB. Other methods (e.g. via Calibre) might corrupt it.
* If you're converting color images and the end result is not satisfactory, experiment with gamma correction option (check 1.0 setting first).

### GUI 

Should be pretty self-explanatory.
After completed conversion you should find ready file alongside the original input file (same directory).

### Standalone `comic2ebook.py` usage:

Usage: comic2ebook.py [options] comic_file|comic_folder

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
                        Device profile (Choose one among K1, K2, K3, K4NT, K4T, KDX, KDXG, KHD, KF, KFHD, KFHD8) [Default=KHD]
  -t TITLE, --title=TITLE
                        Comic title [Default=filename]
  -m, --manga-style     Manga style (Right-to-left reading and splitting) [Default=False]
  --quality=QUALITY     Output quality. 0 - Normal 1 - High 2 - Ultra [Default=0]
  -c, --cbz-output      Outputs a CBZ archive and does not generate EPUB
  --noprocessing        Do not apply image preprocessing (Page splitting and optimizations) [Default=True]
  --forcepng            Create PNG files instead JPEG (For non-Kindle devices) [Default=False]
  --gamma=GAMMA         Apply gamma correction to linearize the image [Default=Auto]
  --upscale             Resize images smaller than device's resolution [Default=False]
  --stretch             Stretch images to device's resolution [Default=False]
  --blackborders        Use black borders instead of white ones when not stretching and ratio is not like the device's one [Default=False]
  --rotate              Rotate landscape pages instead of splitting them [Default=False]
  --nosplitrotate       Disable splitting and rotation [Default=False]
  --nocutpagenumbers    Do not try to cut page numbering on images [Default=True]
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Output generated file (EPUB or CBZ) to specified directory or file
  --forcecolor          Do not convert images to grayscale [Default=False]
  --customwidth=WIDTH   Replace screen width provided by device profile [Default=0]
  --customheight=HEIGHT Replace screen height provided by device profile [Default=0]
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output [Default=False]

**KCC** is made by [Ciro Mattia Gonano](http://github.com/ciromattia) and [Paweł Jastrzębski](http://github.com/AcidWeb)

This script born as a cross-platform alternative to `KindleComicParser` by **Dc5e** (published [here](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192783))

The app relies and includes the following scripts/binaries:

 - `KindleStrip` script © 2010-2012 by **Paul Durrant** and released in public domain
([forum thread](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96903))
 - `rarfile.py` script &copy; 2005-2011 **Marko Kreen** <markokr@gmail.com>, released with ISC License
 - `image.py` class from **Alex Yatskov**'s [Mangle](http://foosoft.net/mangle/) with subsequent [proDOOMman](https://github.com/proDOOMman/Mangle)'s and [Birua](https://github.com/Birua/Mangle)'s patches
 - Icon is by **Nikolay Verin** ([http://ncrow.deviantart.com/](http://ncrow.deviantart.com/)) and released under [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) License

* [Kindle Keyboard](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-K3.mobi)
* [Kindle DX](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KDX.mobi)
* [Kindle DXG](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KDXG.mobi)
* [Kindle Non-Touch](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-K4NT.mobi)
* [Kindle Touch](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-K4T.mobi)
* [Kindle Paperwhite](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KPW.mobi)
* [Kindle Fire](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KF.mobi)
* [Kindle Fire HD](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHD.mobi)
* [Kindle Fire HD 8.9"](http://kcc.vulturis.eu/Samples/Ubunchu!-KFHD8.mobi)

* Initial version

* Added support for CBZ/CBR files in comic2ebook.py

* Added support for CBZ/CBR files in KindleComicConverter

* Comic optimizations! Split pages not target-oriented (landscape with portrait target or portrait with landscape target), add palette and other image optimizations from Mangle. WARNING: PIL is required for all image mangling!

* Fixed an issue in OPF generation for device resolution  
* Reworked options system (call with -h option to get the inline help)

* Added some options for controlling image optimization  
* Further optimization (ImageOps, page numbering cut, autocontrast)

* Fixed a serious bug on resizing when img ratio was bigger than device one

* Added subfolder support for multiple chapters.

* GUI! AppleScript is gone and Tk is used to provide cross-platform GUI support.

* Added basic error reporting

#### 2.2:
* Added (valid!) ePub 2.0 output  
* Rename .zip files to .cbz to avoid overwriting

* Fixed win32 ePub generation, folder handling, filenames with spaces and subfolders

* Use temporary directory as workdir (fixes converting from external volumes and zipfiles renaming)  
* Fixed "add folders" from GUI.

* Added --black-borders option to set added borders black when page's ratio is not the device's one (#11).  
* Fixes epub containing zipped itself (#10)  

* Added --rotate option to rotate landscape images instead of splitting them (#16, #24)  
* Added --output option to customize ePub output dir/file (#22)  
* Add rendition:layout and rendition:orientation ePub meta tags (supported by new kindlegen 2.8)  
* Fixed natural sorting for files (#18)

* Lots of GUI improvements (#27, #13)  
* Added gamma support within --gamma option (defaults to profile-specified gamma) (#26, #27)  
* Added --nodithering option to prevent dithering optimizations (#27)  
* Epub margins support (#30)  
* Fixed no file added if file has no spaces on Windows (#25)  
* Gracefully exit if unrar missing (#15)  
* Do not call kindlegen if source epub is bigger than 320MB (#17)  
* Get filetype from magic number (#14)   
* PDF conversion works again  

* Updated rarfile library  
* Panel View support + HQ support (#36) - new option: --nopanelviewhq
* Split profiles for K4NT and K4T  
* Rewrite of Landscape Mode support (huge readability improvement for KPW)  
* Upscale use now BILINEAR method  
* Added generic CSS file  
* Optimized archive extraction for zip/rar files (#40)  

* Added support for generating a plain CBZ (skipping all the EPUB/Mobi generation) (#45)  
* Prevent output file overwriting the source one: if a duplicate name is detected, append _kcc to the name  
* Rarfile library updated to 2.6  
* Added GIF, TIFF and BMP to supported formats (#42)  
* Filenames slugifications (#28, #31, #9, #8)

* Multiprocessing support
* Kindle Fire support (color ePub/Mobi)
* Panel View support for horizontal content
* Fixed panel order for horizontal pages when --rotate is enabled
* Disabled cropping and page number cutting for blank pages
* Fixed some slugify issues with specific file naming conventions (#50, #51)

* New QT GUI
* Merge with AWKCC
* Added ultra quality mode
* Added support for custom width/height
* Added option to disable color conversion

* _Add directory_ dialog allow to select multiple directories but they are not added to job list. [QT bug.](https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-21372)
* Removing SRCS headers sometimes fail in 32bit enviroments. Due to memory limitations.


Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ciro Mattia Gonano and Paweł Jastrzębski.  
**KCC** is released under ISC LICENSE; see LICENSE.txt for further details.