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authorPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@iosphe.re>2015-06-21 08:44:37 +0200
committerPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@iosphe.re>2015-06-21 08:44:37 +0200
commit4c9857f14d9b929e6528224e81036e6f494b8ed3 (patch)
parentMerge pull request #137 from ciromattia/dev (diff)
parentUpdated README + version bump (diff)
Merge pull request #143 from ciromattia/dev
12 files changed, 343 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ef85cfd..87b7151 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # KCC
 **Kindle Comic Converter** is a Python app to convert comic/manga files or folders to EPUB, Panel View MOBI or E-Ink optimized CBZ.
-It was initially developed for Kindle but since version 4.0 it outputs valid EPUB 3.0 so _**despite its name, KCC is
+It was initially developed for Kindle but since version 4.6 it outputs valid EPUB 3.0 so _**despite its name, KCC is
 actually a comic/manga to EPUB converter that every e-reader owner can happily use**_.
 It can also optionally optimize images by applying a number of transformations.
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ You can find the latest released binary at the following links:
 Following software is required to run Linux version of **KCC** and/or bare sources:
 - Python 3.3+
 - [PyQt](http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download5) 5.2.0+
-- [Pillow](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/) 2.7.0+
-- [psutil](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil) 2.0+
-- [python-slugify](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-slugify) 0.1.0+
-- [scandir](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scandir) 0.9+
+- [Pillow](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/) 2.8.2+
+- [psutil](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil) 3.0.0+
+- [python-slugify](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-slugify) 1.1.2+
+- [scandir](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scandir) 1.1.0+
 On Debian based distributions these two commands should install all needed dependencies:
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ Options:
     -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
                         Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K345, KDX,
-                        KPW, KV, KFHD, KFHDX, KFHDX8, KFA, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA,
-                        KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]
+                        KPW, KV, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]
     -q QUALITY, --quality=QUALITY
                         Quality of Panel View. 0 - Normal 1 - High 2 - Ultra [Default=0]
     -m, --manga-style   Manga style (Right-to-left reading and splitting)
@@ -145,18 +144,25 @@ The app relies and includes the following scripts:
  - Icon is by **Nikolay Verin** ([http://ncrow.deviantart.com/](http://ncrow.deviantart.com/)) and released under [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) License.
-* [Kindle Voyage](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KV.mobi)
-* [Kindle Paperwhite](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KPW.mobi)
+* [Kindle Paperwhite 3 / Voyage](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KV.mobi)
+* [Kindle Paperwhite 1 / 2](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KPW.mobi)
 * [Kindle](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-K345.mobi)
 * [Kindle DX/DXG](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KDX.cbz)
-* [Kobo Mini/Touch](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoMT.cbz)
-* [Kobo Glo](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoG.cbz)
-* [Kobo Glo HD](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoGHD.cbz)
-* [Kobo Aura](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoA.cbz)
-* [Kobo Aura HD](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoAHD.cbz)
-* [Kobo Aura H2O](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu!-KoAH2O.cbz)
+* [Kobo Mini/Touch](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoMT.kepub.epub)
+* [Kobo Glo](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoG.kepub.epub)
+* [Kobo Glo HD](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoGHD.kepub.epub)
+* [Kobo Aura](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoA.kepub.epub)
+* [Kobo Aura HD](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoAHD.kepub.epub)
+* [Kobo Aura H2O](http://kcc.iosphe.re/Samples/Ubunchu-KoAH2O.kepub.epub)
+* KEPUB is now default output for all Kobo profiles
+* EPUB output now produce fully valid EPUB 3.0.1
+* Added profile for Kindle Paperwhite 3
+* Dropped official support of all Kindle Fire models and Kindle for Android
+* Other minor tweaks
 * Added Kobo Glo HD profile
 * Fixed RAR/CBR parsing anomalies
diff --git a/kcc-c2e.py b/kcc-c2e.py
index e46d133..0e0fb6a 100755
--- a/kcc-c2e.py
+++ b/kcc-c2e.py
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     print('comic2ebook v' + __version__ + ' - Written by Ciro Mattia Gonano and Pawel Jastrzebski.')
-    sys.exit(0)
\ No newline at end of file
+    sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/kcc-c2p.py b/kcc-c2p.py
index 4fe42fd..7709306 100755
--- a/kcc-c2p.py
+++ b/kcc-c2p.py
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     print('comic2panel v' + __version__ + ' - Written by Ciro Mattia Gonano and Pawel Jastrzebski.')
-    sys.exit(0)
\ No newline at end of file
+    sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/kcc.iss b/kcc.iss
index b06f53c..e65dcce 100644
--- a/kcc.iss
+++ b/kcc.iss
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #define MyAppName "Kindle Comic Converter"
-#define MyAppVersion "4.5.1"
+#define MyAppVersion "4.6"
 #define MyAppPublisher "Ciro Mattia Gonano, Paweł Jastrzębski"
 #define MyAppURL "http://kcc.iosphe.re/"
 #define MyAppExeName "KCC.exe"
diff --git a/kcc/KCC_gui.py b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
index 787239a..a020cf2 100644
--- a/kcc/KCC_gui.py
+++ b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
@@ -375,9 +375,6 @@ class WorkerThread(QtCore.QThread):
         elif GUI.QualityBox.checkState() == 2:
             options.quality = 2
         options.format = str(GUI.FormatBox.currentText())
-        if GUI.currentMode == 1:
-            if 'KFH' in profile:
-                options.upscale = True
         # Advanced mode settings
         if GUI.currentMode > 1:
@@ -557,6 +554,7 @@ class WorkerThread(QtCore.QThread):
 class SystemTrayIcon(QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon):
     def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
         if self.isSystemTrayAvailable():
             QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.__init__(self, GUI.icons.programIcon, MW)
             # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
@@ -1161,50 +1159,38 @@ class KCCGUI(KCC_ui.Ui_KCC):
         self.profiles = {
-            "Kindle Voyage": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                              'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KV'},
-            "Kindle Paperwhite": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                                  'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KPW'},
+            "K. PW 3/Voyage": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
+                               'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KV'},
+            "Kindle PW 1/2": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
+                              'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KPW'},
             "Kindle": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
                        'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'K345'},
             "Kindle DX/DXG": {'Quality': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
                               'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KDX'},
-            "K. Fire HD": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                           'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KFHD'},
-            "K. Fire HDX": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                            'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KFHDX'},
-            "K. Fire HDX 8.9": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                                'DefaultUpscale': True, 'Label': 'KFHDX8'},
-            "Kobo Mini/Touch": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Mini/Touch": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                                 'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoMT'},
-            "Kobo Glo": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Glo": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                          'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoG'},
-            "Kobo Glo HD": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Glo HD": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                             'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoGHD'},
-            "Kobo Aura": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Aura": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                           'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoA'},
-            "Kobo Aura HD": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Aura HD": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                              'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoAHD'},
-            "Kobo Aura H2O": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 2,
+            "Kobo Aura H2O": {'Quality': True, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                               'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KoAH2O'},
             "Other": {'Quality': False, 'ForceExpert': True, 'DefaultFormat': 1,
                       'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'OTHER'},
-            "Kindle for Android": {'Quality': False, 'ForceExpert': True, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
-                                   'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'KFA'},
             "Kindle 1": {'Quality': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
                          'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'K1'},
             "Kindle 2": {'Quality': False, 'ForceExpert': False, 'DefaultFormat': 0,
                          'DefaultUpscale': False, 'Label': 'K2'}
         profilesGUI = [
-            "Kindle Voyage",
-            "Kindle Paperwhite",
+            "K. PW 3/Voyage",
+            "Kindle PW 1/2",
-            "K. Fire HD",
-            "K. Fire HDX",
-            "K. Fire HDX 8.9",
-            "Separator",
             "Kobo Mini/Touch",
             "Kobo Glo",
             "Kobo Glo HD",
@@ -1214,7 +1200,6 @@ class KCCGUI(KCC_ui.Ui_KCC):
-            "Kindle for Android",
             "Kindle 1",
             "Kindle 2",
             "Kindle DX/DXG",
diff --git a/kcc/__init__.py b/kcc/__init__.py
index 183755c..cbfefda 100644
--- a/kcc/__init__.py
+++ b/kcc/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-__version__ = '4.5.1'
+__version__ = '4.6'
 __license__ = 'ISC'
 __copyright__ = '2012-2015, Ciro Mattia Gonano <ciromattia@gmail.com>, Pawel Jastrzebski <pawelj@iosphe.re>'
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
\ No newline at end of file
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
diff --git a/kcc/comic2ebook.py b/kcc/comic2ebook.py
index fa6c49f..f795695 100755
--- a/kcc/comic2ebook.py
+++ b/kcc/comic2ebook.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import os
 import sys
+from time import strftime, gmtime
 from copy import copy
 from glob import glob
 from json import loads
@@ -119,83 +120,98 @@ def buildHTML(path, imgfile, imgfilepath, forcePV=False):
     htmlfile = os.path.join(htmlpath, filename[0] + '.html')
     f = open(htmlfile, "w", encoding='UTF-8')
-    f.writelines(["<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" ",
-                  "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">\n",
-                  "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n",
-                  "<head>\n",
-                  "<title>", filename[0], "</title>\n",
-                  "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/>\n",
-                  "<link href=\"", "../" * (backref - 1),
-                  "style.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n",
-                  "</head>\n",
-                  "<body" + additionalStyle + ">\n",
-                  "<div class=\"fs\">\n",
-                  "<div><img src=\"", "../" * backref, "Images/", postfix, imgfile, "\" alt=\"",
-                  imgfile, "\" class=\"singlePage\"/></div>\n"
-                  ])
-    if (options.panelview or forcePV) and not noPV:
-        options.panelviewused = True
-        if not noHorizontalPV and not noVerticalPV:
-            if rotatedPage:
-                if options.righttoleft:
-                    order = [1, 3, 2, 4]
+    if options.iskindle:
+        f.writelines(["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n",
+                      "<!DOCTYPE html>\n",
+                      "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\">\n",
+                      "<head>\n",
+                      "<title>", filename[0], "</title>\n",
+                      "<link href=\"", "../" * (backref - 1), "style.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n",
+                      "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n",
+                      "</head>\n",
+                      "<body" + additionalStyle + ">\n",
+                      "<div class=\"fs\">\n",
+                      "<div><img src=\"", "../" * backref, "Images/", postfix, imgfile, "\" alt=\"",
+                      imgfile, "\" class=\"singlePage\"/></div>\n"
+                      ])
+        if (options.panelview or forcePV) and not noPV:
+            options.panelviewused = True
+            if not noHorizontalPV and not noVerticalPV:
+                if rotatedPage:
+                    if options.righttoleft:
+                        order = [1, 3, 2, 4]
+                    else:
+                        order = [2, 4, 1, 3]
-                    order = [2, 4, 1, 3]
-            else:
-                if options.righttoleft:
-                    order = [2, 1, 4, 3]
+                    if options.righttoleft:
+                        order = [2, 1, 4, 3]
+                    else:
+                        order = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+                boxes = ["BoxTL", "BoxTR", "BoxBL", "BoxBR"]
+            elif noHorizontalPV and not noVerticalPV:
+                if rotatedPage:
+                    if options.righttoleft:
+                        order = [1, 2]
+                    else:
+                        order = [2, 1]
-                    order = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-            boxes = ["BoxTL", "BoxTR", "BoxBL", "BoxBR"]
-        elif noHorizontalPV and not noVerticalPV:
-            if rotatedPage:
-                if options.righttoleft:
+                    order = [1, 2]
+                boxes = ["BoxT", "BoxB"]
+            elif not noHorizontalPV and noVerticalPV:
+                if rotatedPage:
                     order = [1, 2]
-                    order = [2, 1]
+                    if options.righttoleft:
+                        order = [2, 1]
+                    else:
+                        order = [1, 2]
+                boxes = ["BoxL", "BoxR"]
-                order = [1, 2]
-            boxes = ["BoxT", "BoxB"]
-        elif not noHorizontalPV and noVerticalPV:
-            if rotatedPage:
-                order = [1, 2]
+                order = [1]
+                boxes = ["BoxC"]
+            for i in range(0, len(boxes)):
+                f.writelines(["<div id=\"" + boxes[i] + "\"><a class=\"app-amzn-magnify\" data-app-amzn-magnify=",
+                              "'{\"targetId\":\"" + boxes[i] + "-Panel-Parent\", \"ordinal\":" + str(order[i]),
+                              "}'></a></div>\n"])
+            if options.quality == 2 and not forcePV:
+                imgfilepv = imgfile.split(".")
+                imgfilepv[0] += "-hq"
+                imgfilepv = ".".join(imgfilepv)
-                if options.righttoleft:
-                    order = [2, 1]
-                else:
-                    order = [1, 2]
-            boxes = ["BoxL", "BoxR"]
-        else:
-            order = [1]
-            boxes = ["BoxC"]
-        for i in range(0, len(boxes)):
-            f.writelines(["<div id=\"" + boxes[i] + "\"><a class=\"app-amzn-magnify\" data-app-amzn-magnify=",
-                          "'{\"targetId\":\"" + boxes[i] + "-Panel-Parent\", \"ordinal\":" + str(order[i]),
-                          "}'></a></div>\n"])
-        if options.quality == 2 and not forcePV:
-            imgfilepv = imgfile.split(".")
-            imgfilepv[0] += "-hq"
-            imgfilepv = ".".join(imgfilepv)
-        else:
-            imgfilepv = imgfile
-        xl, yu, xr, yd = detectMargins(imgfilepath)
-        boxStyles = {"BoxTL": "left:" + xl + ";top:" + yu + ";",
-                     "BoxTR": "right:" + xr + ";top:" + yu + ";",
-                     "BoxBL": "left:" + xl + ";bottom:" + yd + ";",
-                     "BoxBR": "right:" + xr + ";bottom:" + yd + ";",
-                     "BoxT": "left:-25%;top:" + yu + ";",
-                     "BoxB": "left:-25%;bottom:" + yd + ";",
-                     "BoxL": "left:" + xl + ";top:-25%;",
-                     "BoxR": "right:" + xr + ";top:-25%;",
-                     "BoxC": "left:-25%;top:-25%;"
-                     }
-        for box in boxes:
-            f.writelines(["<div id=\"" + box + "-Panel-Parent\" class=\"target-mag-parent\"><div id=\"",
-                          "Generic-Panel\" class=\"target-mag\"><img style=\"" + boxStyles[box] + "\" src=\"",
-                          "../" * backref, "Images/", postfix, imgfilepv, "\" alt=\"" + imgfilepv,
-                          "\"/></div></div>\n",
-                          ])
-    f.writelines(["</div>\n</body>\n</html>"])
+                imgfilepv = imgfile
+            xl, yu, xr, yd = detectMargins(imgfilepath)
+            boxStyles = {"BoxTL": "left:" + xl + ";top:" + yu + ";",
+                         "BoxTR": "right:" + xr + ";top:" + yu + ";",
+                         "BoxBL": "left:" + xl + ";bottom:" + yd + ";",
+                         "BoxBR": "right:" + xr + ";bottom:" + yd + ";",
+                         "BoxT": "left:-25%;top:" + yu + ";",
+                         "BoxB": "left:-25%;bottom:" + yd + ";",
+                         "BoxL": "left:" + xl + ";top:-25%;",
+                         "BoxR": "right:" + xr + ";top:-25%;",
+                         "BoxC": "left:-25%;top:-25%;"
+                         }
+            for box in boxes:
+                f.writelines(["<div id=\"" + box + "-Panel-Parent\" class=\"target-mag-parent\"><div id=\"",
+                              "Generic-Panel\" class=\"target-mag\"><img style=\"" + boxStyles[box] + "\" src=\"",
+                              "../" * backref, "Images/", postfix, imgfilepv, "\" alt=\"" + imgfilepv,
+                              "\"/></div></div>\n",
+                              ])
+        f.writelines(["</div>\n</body>\n</html>"])
+    else:
+        f.writelines(["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n",
+                      "<!DOCTYPE html>\n",
+                      "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\">\n",
+                      "<head>\n",
+                      "<title>", filename[0], "</title>\n",
+                      "<link href=\"", "../" * (backref - 1), "style.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n",
+                      "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n",
+                      "</head>\n",
+                      "<body" + additionalStyle + ">\n",
+                      "<div class=\"epub:type=bodymatter\">\n",
+                      "<img src=\"", "../" * backref, "Images/", postfix, imgfile, "\"/>\n",
+                      "</div>\n",
+                      "</body>\n</html>"
+                      ])
     return path, imgfile
@@ -205,11 +221,9 @@ def buildNCX(dstdir, title, chapters, chapterNames):
     ncxfile = os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS', 'toc.ncx')
     f = open(ncxfile, "w", encoding='UTF-8')
     f.writelines(["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
-                  "<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC \"-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN\" ",
-                  "\"http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx-2005-1.dtd\">\n",
                   "<ncx version=\"2005-1\" xml:lang=\"en-US\" xmlns=\"http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/\">\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"dtb:uid\" content=\"", options.uuid, "\"/>\n",
+                  "<meta name=\"dtb:uid\" content=\"urn:uuid:", options.uuid, "\"/>\n",
                   "<meta name=\"dtb:depth\" content=\"1\"/>\n",
                   "<meta name=\"dtb:totalPageCount\" content=\"0\"/>\n",
                   "<meta name=\"dtb:maxPageNumber\" content=\"0\"/>\n",
@@ -234,6 +248,35 @@ def buildNCX(dstdir, title, chapters, chapterNames):
+def buildNAV(dstdir, title, chapters, chapterNames):
+    navfile = os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS', 'nav.xhtml')
+    f = open(navfile, "w", encoding='UTF-8')
+    f.writelines(["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n",
+                  "<!DOCTYPE html>\n",
+                  "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\">\n",
+                  "<head>\n",
+                  "<title>" + title + "</title>\n",
+                  "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n",
+                  "</head>\n",
+                  "<body>\n",
+                  "<nav xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\" epub:type=\"toc\" id=\"toc\">\n",
+                  "<ol></ol>\n",
+                  "</nav>\n",
+                  "<nav epub:type=\"page-list\">\n",
+                  "<ol>\n"
+                  ])
+    for chapter in chapters:
+        folder = chapter[0].replace(os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS'), '').lstrip('/').lstrip('\\\\')
+        filename = getImageFileName(os.path.join(folder, chapter[1]))
+        if options.chapters:
+            title = chapterNames[chapter[1]]
+        elif os.path.basename(folder) != "Text":
+            title = chapterNames[os.path.basename(folder)]
+        f.write("<li><a href=\"" + filename[0].replace("\\", "/") + ".html\">" + title + "</a></li>\n")
+    f.write("</ol>\n</nav>\n</body>\n</html>")
+    f.close()
 def buildOPF(dstdir, title, filelist, cover=None):
     opffile = os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS', 'content.opf')
     profilelabel, deviceres, palette, gamma, panelviewsize = options.profileData
@@ -243,40 +286,47 @@ def buildOPF(dstdir, title, filelist, cover=None):
         writingmode = "horizontal-lr"
     f = open(opffile, "w", encoding='UTF-8')
     f.writelines(["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
-                  "<package version=\"2.0\" unique-identifier=\"BookID\" ",
+                  "<package version=\"3.0\" unique-identifier=\"BookID\" ",
+                  "prefix=\"rendition: http://www.idpf.org/vocab/rendition/#\" ",
                   "<metadata xmlns:opf=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf\" ",
                   "<dc:title>", title, "</dc:title>\n",
-                  "<dc:identifier id=\"BookID\" opf:scheme=\"UUID\">", options.uuid, "</dc:identifier>\n"])
+                  "<dc:identifier id=\"BookID\">urn:uuid:", options.uuid, "</dc:identifier>\n",
+                  "<dc:contributor id=\"contributor\">KindleComicConverter-" + __version__ + "</dc:contributor>\n"])
     for author in options.authors:
         f.writelines(["<dc:creator>", author, "</dc:creator>\n"])
-    f.writelines(["<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"KindleComicConverter-" + __version__ + "\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"RegionMagnification\" content=\"true\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"region-mag\" content=\"true\"/>\n",
+    f.writelines(["<meta property=\"dcterms:modified\">" + strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime()) + "</meta>\n",
                   "<meta name=\"cover\" content=\"cover\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"book-type\" content=\"comic\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"rendition:layout\" content=\"pre-paginated\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"zero-gutter\" content=\"true\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"zero-margin\" content=\"true\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"fixed-layout\" content=\"true\"/>\n"
-                  "<meta name=\"rendition:orientation\" content=\"portrait\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"orientation-lock\" content=\"portrait\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"original-resolution\" content=\"",
-                  str(deviceres[0]) + "x" + str(deviceres[1]), "\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"primary-writing-mode\" content=\"", writingmode, "\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"ke-border-color\" content=\"#ffffff\"/>\n",
-                  "<meta name=\"ke-border-width\" content=\"0\"/>\n",
-                  "</metadata>\n<manifest>\n<item id=\"ncx\" href=\"toc.ncx\" ",
-                  "media-type=\"application/x-dtbncx+xml\"/>\n"])
+                  "<meta property=\"rendition:orientation\">portrait</meta>\n",
+                  "<meta property=\"rendition:spread\">portrait</meta>\n",
+                  "<meta property=\"rendition:layout\">pre-paginated</meta>\n"])
+    if options.iskindle and options.profile != 'Custom':
+        f.writelines(["<meta property=\"RegionMagnification\">true</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"region-mag\">true</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"book-type\">comic</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"zero-gutter\">true</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"zero-margin\">true</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"fixed-layout\">true</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"orientation-lock\">portrait</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"original-resolution\">",
+                      str(deviceres[0]) + "x" + str(deviceres[1]) + "</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"primary-writing-mode\">" + writingmode + "</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"ke-border-color\">#ffffff</meta>\n",
+                      "<meta property=\"ke-border-width\">0</meta>\n"])
+    f.writelines(["</metadata>\n<manifest>\n<item id=\"ncx\" href=\"toc.ncx\" ",
+                  "media-type=\"application/x-dtbncx+xml\"/>\n",
+                  "<item id=\"nav\" href=\"nav.xhtml\" ",
+                  "properties=\"nav\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\"/>\n"])
     if cover is not None:
         filename = getImageFileName(cover.replace(os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS'), '').lstrip('/').lstrip('\\\\'))
         if '.png' == filename[1]:
             mt = 'image/png'
             mt = 'image/jpeg'
-        f.write("<item id=\"cover\" href=\"Images/cover" + filename[1] + "\" media-type=\"" + mt + "\"/>\n")
+        f.write("<item id=\"cover\" href=\"Images/cover" + filename[1] + "\" media-type=\"" + mt +
+                "\" properties=\"cover-image\"/>\n")
     reflist = []
     for path in filelist:
         folder = path[0].replace(os.path.join(dstdir, 'OEBPS'), '').lstrip('/').lstrip('\\\\').replace("\\", "/")
@@ -299,7 +349,7 @@ def buildOPF(dstdir, title, filelist, cover=None):
         f.write("</manifest>\n<spine page-progression-direction=\"ltr\" toc=\"ncx\">\n")
     for entry in reflist:
         f.write("<itemref idref=\"page_" + entry + "\"/>\n")
-    f.write("</spine>\n<guide>\n</guide>\n</package>\n")
+    f.write("</spine>\n</package>\n")
     os.mkdir(os.path.join(dstdir, 'META-INF'))
     f = open(os.path.join(dstdir, 'META-INF', 'container.xml'), 'w', encoding='UTF-8')
@@ -320,114 +370,126 @@ def buildEPUB(path, chapterNames, tomeNumber):
     _, deviceres, _, _, panelviewsize = options.profileData
     os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'OEBPS', 'Text'))
     f = open(os.path.join(path, 'OEBPS', 'Text', 'style.css'), 'w', encoding='UTF-8')
-    # Generic Panel View support + Margins fix for Non-Kindle devices.
-    f.writelines(["@page {\n",
-                  "margin-bottom: 0;\n",
-                  "margin-top: 0\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "body {\n",
-                  "display: block;\n",
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-                  "margin-left: 0;\n",
-                  "margin-right: 0;\n",
-                  "margin-top: 0;\n",
-                  "padding-bottom: 0;\n",
-                  "padding-left: 0;\n",
-                  "padding-right: 0;\n",
-                  "padding-top: 0;\n",
-                  "text-align: left\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "div.fs {\n",
-                  "height: ", str(deviceres[1]), "px;\n",
-                  "width: ", str(deviceres[0]), "px;\n",
-                  "position: relative;\n",
-                  "display: block;\n",
-                  "text-align: center\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "div.fs a {\n",
-                  "display: block;\n",
-                  "width : 100%;\n",
-                  "height: 100%;\n",
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-                  "div.fs div {\n",
-                  "position: absolute;\n",
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-                  "img.singlePage {\n",
-                  "position: absolute;\n",
-                  "height: ", str(deviceres[1]), "px;\n",
-                  "width: ", str(deviceres[0]), "px;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "div.target-mag-parent {\n",
-                  "width:100%;\n",
-                  "height:100%;\n",
-                  "display:none;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "div.target-mag {\n",
-                  "position: absolute;\n",
-                  "display: block;\n",
-                  "overflow: hidden;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "div.target-mag img {\n",
-                  "position: absolute;\n",
-                  "height: ", str(panelviewsize[1]), "px;\n",
-                  "width: ", str(panelviewsize[0]), "px;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#Generic-Panel {\n",
-                  "top: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 100%;\n",
-                  "width: 100%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxC {\n",
-                  "top: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 100%;\n",
-                  "width: 100%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxT {\n",
-                  "top: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 100%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxB {\n",
-                  "bottom: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 100%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxL {\n",
-                  "left: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 100%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxR {\n",
-                  "right: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 100%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxTL {\n",
-                  "top: 0;\n",
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-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
-                  "}\n",
-                  "#BoxTR {\n",
-                  "top: 0;\n",
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-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
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-                  "#BoxBL {\n",
-                  "bottom: 0;\n",
-                  "left: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
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-                  "#BoxBR {\n",
-                  "bottom: 0;\n",
-                  "right: 0;\n",
-                  "height: 50%;\n",
-                  "width: 50%;\n",
-                  "}",
-                  ])
+    if options.iskindle:
+        f.writelines(["@page {\n",
+                      "margin-bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "margin-top: 0\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "body {\n",
+                      "display: block;\n",
+                      "margin-bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "margin-left: 0;\n",
+                      "margin-right: 0;\n",
+                      "margin-top: 0;\n",
+                      "padding-bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "padding-left: 0;\n",
+                      "padding-right: 0;\n",
+                      "padding-top: 0;\n",
+                      "text-align: left\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.fs {\n",
+                      "height: ", str(deviceres[1]), "px;\n",
+                      "width: ", str(deviceres[0]), "px;\n",
+                      "position: relative;\n",
+                      "display: block;\n",
+                      "text-align: center\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.fs a {\n",
+                      "display: block;\n",
+                      "width : 100%;\n",
+                      "height: 100%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.fs div {\n",
+                      "position: absolute;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "img.singlePage {\n",
+                      "position: absolute;\n",
+                      "height: ", str(deviceres[1]), "px;\n",
+                      "width: ", str(deviceres[0]), "px;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.target-mag-parent {\n",
+                      "width:100%;\n",
+                      "height:100%;\n",
+                      "display:none;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.target-mag {\n",
+                      "position: absolute;\n",
+                      "display: block;\n",
+                      "overflow: hidden;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "div.target-mag img {\n",
+                      "position: absolute;\n",
+                      "height: ", str(panelviewsize[1]), "px;\n",
+                      "width: ", str(panelviewsize[0]), "px;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#Generic-Panel {\n",
+                      "top: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 100%;\n",
+                      "width: 100%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxC {\n",
+                      "top: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 100%;\n",
+                      "width: 100%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxT {\n",
+                      "top: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 100%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxB {\n",
+                      "bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 100%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxL {\n",
+                      "left: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 100%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxR {\n",
+                      "right: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 100%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxTL {\n",
+                      "top: 0;\n",
+                      "left: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxTR {\n",
+                      "top: 0;\n",
+                      "right: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxBL {\n",
+                      "bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "left: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}\n",
+                      "#BoxBR {\n",
+                      "bottom: 0;\n",
+                      "right: 0;\n",
+                      "height: 50%;\n",
+                      "width: 50%;\n",
+                      "}",
+                      ])
+    else:
+        f.writelines([
+            "@namespace epub \"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\";\n",
+            "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n",
+            "body {\n",
+            "margin: 0;\n",
+            "}\n",
+            "img {\n",
+            "position: absolute;\n",
+            "margin: 0;\n",
+            "z-index: 0;\n",
+            "height: 100%;\n",
+            "}"])
     for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(os.path.join(path, 'OEBPS', 'Images')):
         chapter = False
@@ -446,7 +508,7 @@ def buildEPUB(path, chapterNames, tomeNumber):
                     image.Cover(os.path.join(filelist[-1][0], filelist[-1][1]), cover, options, tomeNumber)
     # Hack that force Panel View on at last one page
     if lastfile and not options.panelviewused and 'Ko' not in options.profile \
-            and options.profile not in ['K1', 'K2', 'KDX', 'OTHER']:
+            and options.profile not in ['K1', 'K2', 'KDX', 'Custom']:
         filelist[-1] = buildHTML(lastfile[0], lastfile[1], lastfile[2], True)
     # Overwrite chapternames if tree is flat and ComicInfo.xml has bookmarks
     if not chapterNames and options.chapters:
@@ -464,6 +526,7 @@ def buildEPUB(path, chapterNames, tomeNumber):
             chapterNames[filename] = aChapter[1]
             globaldiff = pageid - (aChapter[0] + globaldiff)
     buildNCX(path, options.title, chapterlist, chapterNames)
+    buildNAV(path, options.title, chapterlist, chapterNames)
     buildOPF(path, options.title, filelist, cover)
@@ -608,7 +671,7 @@ def getWorkFolder(afile):
                 raise UserWarning("Failed to extract file.")
             rmtree(workdir, True)
-            raise TypeError
+            raise TypeError("Failed to detect archive format.")
     if len(os.path.join(path, 'OEBPS', 'Images')) > 240:
         raise UserWarning("Path is too long.")
     move(path, path + "_temp")
@@ -976,8 +1039,8 @@ def makeParser():
     otherOptions = OptionGroup(psr, "OTHER")
     mainOptions.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store", dest="profile", default="KV",
-                           help="Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K345, KDX, KPW, KV, KFHD, KFHDX, KFHDX8,"
-                                " KFA, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]")
+                           help="Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K345, KDX, KPW, KV, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD,"
+                                " KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]")
     mainOptions.add_option("-q", "--quality", type="int", dest="quality", default="0",
                            help="Quality of Panel View. 0 - Normal 1 - High 2 - Ultra [Default=0]")
     mainOptions.add_option("-m", "--manga-style", action="store_true", dest="righttoleft", default=False,
@@ -1037,14 +1100,17 @@ def checkOptions():
     global options
     options.panelview = True
     options.panelviewused = False
+    options.iskindle = False
     options.bordersColor = None
     if options.format == 'Auto':
-        if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K345', 'KPW', 'KV', 'KFHD', 'KFHDX', 'KFHDX8', 'KFA']:
+        if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K345', 'KPW', 'KV']:
             options.format = 'MOBI'
-        elif options.profile in ['Other']:
+        elif options.profile in ['OTHER', 'KoMT', 'KoG', 'KoGHD', 'KoA', 'KoAHD', 'KoAH2O']:
             options.format = 'EPUB'
-        elif options.profile in ['KDX', 'KoMT', 'KoG', 'KoGHD', 'KoA', 'KoAHD', 'KoAH2O']:
+        elif options.profile in ['KDX']:
             options.format = 'CBZ'
+    if options.profile in ['K1', 'K2', 'K345', 'KPW', 'KV', 'OTHER']:
+        options.iskindle = True
     if options.white_borders:
         options.bordersColor = 'white'
     if options.black_borders:
@@ -1052,11 +1118,6 @@ def checkOptions():
     # Splitting MOBI is not optional
     if options.format == 'MOBI':
         options.batchsplit = True
-    # Disabling grayscale conversion for Kindle Fire family.
-    if 'KFH' in options.profile or options.forcecolor:
-        options.forcecolor = True
-    else:
-        options.forcecolor = False
     # Older Kindle don't need higher resolution files due lack of Panel View.
     if options.profile == 'K1' or options.profile == 'K2' or options.profile == 'KDX':
         options.quality = 0
@@ -1075,10 +1136,6 @@ def checkOptions():
         # Kobo models can't use ultra quality mode
         if options.quality == 2:
             options.quality = 1
-    # Kindle for Android profile require target resolution.
-    if options.profile == 'KFA' and (options.customwidth == 0 or options.customheight == 0):
-        print("ERROR: Kindle for Android profile require --customwidth and --customheight options!")
-        sys.exit(1)
     # CBZ files on Kindle DX/DXG support higher resolution
     if options.profile == 'KDX' and options.format == 'CBZ':
         options.customheight = 1200
@@ -1182,6 +1239,11 @@ def makeBook(source, qtGUI=None):
                 filepath.append(getOutputFilename(source, options.output, '.epub', ''))
             makeZIP(tome + '_comic', tome, True)
         move(tome + '_comic.zip', filepath[-1])
+        if 'Ko' in options.profile:
+            filename = filepath[-1].split(os.path.sep)
+            filename[-1] = ''.join(e for e in filename[-1].split('.')[0] if e.isalnum()) + '.kepub.epub'
+            filename = os.path.sep.join(filename)
+            move(filepath[-1], filename)
         rmtree(tome, True)
         if GUI:
@@ -1211,7 +1273,7 @@ def makeMOBIFix(item):
     mobiPath = item.replace('.epub', '.mobi')
     move(mobiPath, mobiPath + '_toclean')
-        dualmetafix.DualMobiMetaFix(mobiPath + '_toclean', mobiPath, bytes(str(uuid4()), 'UTF-8'))
+        dualmetafix.DualMobiMetaFix(mobiPath + '_toclean', mobiPath, bytes(options.uuid, 'UTF-8'))
         return [True]
     except Exception as err:
         return [False, format(err)]
diff --git a/kcc/comic2panel.py b/kcc/comic2panel.py
index 920a071..c68103e 100644
--- a/kcc/comic2panel.py
+++ b/kcc/comic2panel.py
@@ -297,4 +297,4 @@ def main(argv=None, qtGUI=None):
             raise UserWarning("Provided path is not a directory.")
-        raise UserWarning("Target height is not set.")
\ No newline at end of file
+        raise UserWarning("Target height is not set.")
diff --git a/kcc/dualmetafix.py b/kcc/dualmetafix.py
index 5889d68..0eec68b 100644
--- a/kcc/dualmetafix.py
+++ b/kcc/dualmetafix.py
@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ class DualMobiMetaFix:
         replacesection(self.datain, datain_kf8, rec0)
-        self.datain.close()
\ No newline at end of file
+        self.datain.close()
diff --git a/kcc/image.py b/kcc/image.py
index 3235abe..cd0213b 100755
--- a/kcc/image.py
+++ b/kcc/image.py
@@ -82,12 +82,8 @@ class ProfileData:
         'K2': ("Kindle 2", (600, 670), Palette15, 1.8, (900, 1005)),
         'K345': ("Kindle", (600, 800), Palette16, 1.8, (900, 1200)),
         'KDX': ("Kindle DX/DXG", (824, 1000), Palette16, 1.8, (1236, 1500)),
-        'KPW': ("Kindle Paperwhite", (758, 1024), Palette16, 1.8, (1137, 1536)),
-        'KV': ("Kindle Voyage", (1072, 1448), Palette16, 1.8, (1608, 2172)),
-        'KFHD': ("K. Fire HD", (800, 1280), PalleteNull, 1.0, (1200, 1920)),
-        'KFHDX': ("K. Fire HDX", (1200, 1920), PalleteNull, 1.0, (1800, 2880)),
-        'KFHDX8': ("K. Fire HDX 8.9", (1600, 2560), PalleteNull, 1.0, (2400, 3840)),
-        'KFA': ("Kindle for Android", (0, 0), PalleteNull, 1.0, (0, 0)),
+        'KPW': ("Kindle Paperwhite 1/2", (758, 1024), Palette16, 1.8, (1137, 1536)),
+        'KV': ("Kindle Paperwhite 3/Voyage", (1072, 1448), Palette16, 1.8, (1608, 2172)),
         'KoMT': ("Kobo Mini/Touch", (600, 800), Palette16, 1.8, (900, 1200)),
         'KoG': ("Kobo Glo", (768, 1024), Palette16, 1.8, (1152, 1536)),
         'KoGHD': ("Kobo Glo HD", (1072, 1448), Palette16, 1.8, (1608, 2172)),
diff --git a/kcc/shared.py b/kcc/shared.py
index eee3e51..941d9b5 100644
--- a/kcc/shared.py
+++ b/kcc/shared.py
@@ -130,28 +130,28 @@ def dependencyCheck(level):
     if level > 1:
             from psutil import __version__ as psutilVersion
-            if StrictVersion('2.0.0') > StrictVersion(psutilVersion):
-                missing.append('psutil 2.0.0+')
+            if StrictVersion('3.0.0') > StrictVersion(psutilVersion):
+                missing.append('psutil 3.0.0+')
         except ImportError:
-            missing.append('psutil 2.0.0+')
+            missing.append('psutil 3.0.0+')
             from slugify import __version__ as slugifyVersion
-            if StrictVersion('0.1.0') > StrictVersion(slugifyVersion):
-                missing.append('python-slugify 0.1.0+')
+            if StrictVersion('1.1.2') > StrictVersion(slugifyVersion):
+                missing.append('python-slugify 1.1.2+')
         except ImportError:
-            missing.append('python-slugify 0.1.0+')
+            missing.append('python-slugify 1.1.2+')
         from PIL import PILLOW_VERSION as pillowVersion
-        if StrictVersion('2.7.0') > StrictVersion(pillowVersion):
-            missing.append('Pillow 2.7.0+')
+        if StrictVersion('2.8.2') > StrictVersion(pillowVersion):
+            missing.append('Pillow 2.8.2+')
     except ImportError:
-        missing.append('Pillow 2.7.0+')
+        missing.append('Pillow 2.8.2+')
         from scandir import __version__ as scandirVersion
-        if StrictVersion('0.9') > StrictVersion(scandirVersion):
-            missing.append('scandir 0.9+')
+        if StrictVersion('1.1') > StrictVersion(scandirVersion):
+            missing.append('scandir 1.1+')
     except ImportError:
-        missing.append('scandir 0.9+')
+        missing.append('scandir 1.1+')
     if len(missing) > 0:
         print('ERROR: ' + ', '.join(missing) + ' is not installed!')
-        exit(1)
\ No newline at end of file
+        exit(1)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index c50a190..64774e5 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ else:
             scripts=['build/_scripts/kcc', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2e', 'build/_scripts/kcc-c2p'],
-                'Pillow>=2.7.0',
-                'psutil>=2.0',
-                'python-slugify>=0.1.0',
-                'scandir>=0.9',
+                'Pillow>=2.8.2',
+                'psutil>=3.0.0',
+                'python-slugify>=1.1.2',
+                'scandir>=1.1.0',
@@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ if platform == 'darwin':
     makedirs('dist/' + NAME + '.app/Contents/PlugIns/platforms', exist_ok=True)
     copyfile('other/libqcocoa.dylib', 'dist/' + NAME + '.app/Contents/PlugIns/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib')
     chmod('dist/' + NAME + '.app/Contents/Resources/unrar', 0o777)
-    chmod('dist/' + NAME + '.app/Contents/Resources/7za', 0o777)
\ No newline at end of file
+    chmod('dist/' + NAME + '.app/Contents/Resources/7za', 0o777)