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authorPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@iosphe.re>2015-10-29 17:12:56 +0100
committerPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@iosphe.re>2015-10-29 20:34:24 +0100
commit7d81de6834a8af8ea0f1b7bf2a326fc4fd6c177e (patch)
parentUpdated README + version bump (diff)
Miscellaneous tweaks
7 files changed, 60 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f6965b6..2a97d61 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -69,48 +69,48 @@ CLI version of **KCC** is intended for power users. It is not idiot-proof like G
 ### Standalone `kcc-c2e.py` usage:
-Usage: kcc-c2e [options] comic_file|comic_folder                             
-  MAIN:                                                                      
-    -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE                                            
+Usage: kcc-c2e [options] comic_file|comic_folder
+  MAIN:
+    -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
                         Device profile (Available options: K1, K2, K345, KDX,
-                        KPW, KV, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]                                         
-    -m, --manga-style   Manga style (right-to-left reading and splitting)    
-    -w, --webtoon       Webtoon processing mode                              
-  OUTPUT SETTINGS:                                                           
-    -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT                                               
-                        Output generated file to specified directory or file 
-    -t TITLE, --title=TITLE                                                  
-                        Comic title [Default=filename or directory name]     
-    -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT                                               
-                        Output format (Available options: Auto, MOBI, EPUB,  
-                        CBZ) [Default=Auto]                                  
-    -b, --batchsplit    Split output into multiple files                     
-  PROCESSING:                                                                
-    -u, --upscale       Resize images smaller than device's resolution       
-    -s, --stretch       Stretch images to device's resolution                
-    -r SPLITTER, --splitter=SPLITTER                                         
-                        Double page parsing mode. 0: Split 1: Rotate 2: Both [Default=0]                                          
-    -g GAMMA, --gamma=GAMMA                                                  
-                        Apply gamma correction to linearize the image [Default=Auto]                                       
-    --hq                Enable high quality Panel View                       
-    --blackborders      Disable autodetection and force black borders        
-    --whiteborders      Disable autodetection and force white borders        
-    --forcecolor        Don't convert images to grayscale                    
-    --forcepng          Create PNG files instead JPEG                        
-    --nocutpagenumbers  Don't try to cut page numbers from images            
-  CUSTOM PROFILE:                                                            
-    --customwidth=CUSTOMWIDTH                                                
-                        Replace screen width provided by device profile      
-    --customheight=CUSTOMHEIGHT                                              
-                        Replace screen height provided by device profile     
-  OTHER:                                                                     
-    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit                      
+                        KPW, KV, KoMT, KoG, KoGHD, KoA, KoAHD, KoAH2O) [Default=KV]
+    -m, --manga-style   Manga style (right-to-left reading and splitting)
+    -w, --webtoon       Webtoon processing mode
+    -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
+                        Output generated file to specified directory or file
+    -t TITLE, --title=TITLE
+                        Comic title [Default=filename or directory name]
+    -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
+                        Output format (Available options: Auto, MOBI, EPUB, CBZ)
+                        [Default=Auto]
+    -b, --batchsplit    Split output into multiple files
+    -u, --upscale       Resize images smaller than device's resolution
+    -s, --stretch       Stretch images to device's resolution
+    -r SPLITTER, --splitter=SPLITTER
+                        Double page parsing mode. 0: Split 1: Rotate 2: Both [Default=0]
+    -g GAMMA, --gamma=GAMMA
+                        Apply gamma correction to linearize the image [Default=Auto]
+    --hq                Enable high quality Panel View
+    --blackborders      Disable autodetection and force black borders
+    --whiteborders      Disable autodetection and force white borders
+    --forcecolor        Don't convert images to grayscale
+    --forcepng          Create PNG files instead JPEG
+    --nocutpagenumbers  Don't try to cut page numbers from images
+    --customwidth=CUSTOMWIDTH
+                        Replace screen width provided by device profile
+    --customheight=CUSTOMHEIGHT
+                        Replace screen height provided by device profile
+    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit
 ### Standalone `kcc-c2p.py` usage:
diff --git a/kcc.iss b/kcc.iss
index 054a5e4..501a72e 100644
--- a/kcc.iss
+++ b/kcc.iss
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ Source: "LICENSE.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion solidbreak
 Source: "other\windows\Additional-LICENSE.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
 Source: "other\windows\UnRAR.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
 Source: "other\windows\7za.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "other\windows\vc_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: ignoreversion deleteafterinstall
 Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ Name: "{group}\Readme"; Filename: "https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc#kcc"
 Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
-Filename: "{tmp}\vc_redist.x64.exe"; Parameters: "/quiet"; StatusMsg: "Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package..."
 Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall
diff --git a/kcc/KCC_gui.py b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
index 56fea24..be36490 100644
--- a/kcc/KCC_gui.py
+++ b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class VersionThread(QtCore.QThread):
                 move(path[0], path[0] + '.exe')
-                Popen(path[0] + '.exe  /SP- /silent /noicons')
+                Popen(path[0] + '.exe  /SP- /silent /noicons', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
             except Exception:
                 MW.addMessage.emit('Failed to download update!', 'warning', False)
@@ -865,10 +865,10 @@ class KCCGUI(KCC_ui.Ui_KCC):
                 os.chmod('/usr/local/bin/kindlegen', 0o755)
             except Exception:
-        kindleGenExitCode = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        kindleGenExitCode = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         if kindleGenExitCode.wait() == 0:
             self.kindleGen = True
-            versionCheck = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+            versionCheck = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
             for line in versionCheck.stdout:
                 line = line.decode("utf-8")
                 if 'Amazon kindlegen' in line:
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ class KCCGUI(KCC_ui.Ui_KCC):
             self.addMessage('Since you are new user of <b>KCC</b> please see few '
                             '<a href="https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/wiki/Important-tips">important tips</a>.',
-        rarExitCode = Popen('unrar', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        rarExitCode = Popen('unrar', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         rarExitCode = rarExitCode.wait()
         if rarExitCode == 0 or rarExitCode == 7:
             self.UnRAR = True
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ class KCCGUI(KCC_ui.Ui_KCC):
             self.UnRAR = False
             self.addMessage('Cannot find <a href="http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm">UnRAR</a>!'
                             ' Processing of CBR/RAR files will be disabled.', 'warning')
-        sevenzaExitCode = Popen('7za', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        sevenzaExitCode = Popen('7za', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         sevenzaExitCode = sevenzaExitCode.wait()
         if sevenzaExitCode == 0 or sevenzaExitCode == 7:
             self.sevenza = True
diff --git a/kcc/cbxarchive.py b/kcc/cbxarchive.py
index 97c26ba..f802b91 100644
--- a/kcc/cbxarchive.py
+++ b/kcc/cbxarchive.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class CBxArchive:
             copy(self.origFileName, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.origFileName), 'TMP_KCC_TMP'))
             self.origFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.origFileName), 'TMP_KCC_TMP')
         output = Popen('7za x "' + self.origFileName + '" -xr!__MACOSX -xr!.DS_Store -xr!thumbs.db -xr!Thumbs.db -o"' +
-                       targetdir + '"', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+                       targetdir + '"', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         extracted = False
         for line in output.stdout:
             if b"Everything is Ok" in line:
diff --git a/kcc/comic2ebook.py b/kcc/comic2ebook.py
index adc3d0a..69ea6b5 100755
--- a/kcc/comic2ebook.py
+++ b/kcc/comic2ebook.py
@@ -570,13 +570,13 @@ def getWorkFolder(afile):
             rmtree(workdir, True)
             raise UserWarning("Failed to prepare a workspace.")
-    elif afile.lower().endswith('.pdf'):
+    elif os.path.isfile(afile) and afile.lower().endswith('.pdf'):
         pdf = pdfjpgextract.PdfJpgExtract(afile)
         path, njpg = pdf.extract()
         if njpg == 0:
             rmtree(path, True)
             raise UserWarning("Failed to extract images from PDF file.")
-    else:
+    elif os.path.isfile(afile):
         workdir = mkdtemp('', 'KCC-')
         cbx = cbxarchive.CBxArchive(afile)
         if cbx.isCbxFile():
@@ -588,6 +588,8 @@ def getWorkFolder(afile):
             rmtree(workdir, True)
             raise UserWarning("Failed to detect archive format.")
+    else:
+        raise UserWarning("Failed to open source file/directory.")
     newpath = mkdtemp('', 'KCC-')
     copytree(path, os.path.join(newpath, 'OEBPS', 'Images'))
     rmtree(path, True)
@@ -1064,19 +1066,19 @@ def checkOptions():
 def checkTools(source):
     source = source.upper()
     if source.endswith('.CBR') or source.endswith('.RAR'):
-        rarExitCode = Popen('unrar', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        rarExitCode = Popen('unrar', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         rarExitCode = rarExitCode.wait()
         if rarExitCode != 0 and rarExitCode != 7:
             print('ERROR: UnRAR is missing!')
     elif source.endswith('.CB7') or source.endswith('.7Z'):
-        sevenzaExitCode = Popen('7za', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        sevenzaExitCode = Popen('7za', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         sevenzaExitCode = sevenzaExitCode.wait()
         if sevenzaExitCode != 0 and sevenzaExitCode != 7:
             print('ERROR: 7za is missing!')
     if options.format == 'MOBI':
-        kindleGenExitCode = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+        kindleGenExitCode = Popen('kindlegen -locale en', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
         if kindleGenExitCode.wait() != 0:
             print('ERROR: KindleGen is missing!')
@@ -1224,7 +1226,7 @@ def makeMOBIWorker(item):
         if os.path.getsize(item) < 629145600:
             output = Popen('kindlegen -dont_append_source -locale en "' + item + '"',
-                           stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+                           stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
             for line in output.stdout:
                 line = line.decode('utf-8')
                 # ERROR: Generic error
diff --git a/kcc/image.py b/kcc/image.py
index 6dd4d98..2126af2 100755
--- a/kcc/image.py
+++ b/kcc/image.py
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ class ComicPage:
                 self.targetPath += '.jpg'
                 self.image.save(self.targetPath, 'JPEG', optimize=1, quality=80)
             return [md5Checksum(self.targetPath), flags, self.orgPath]
-        except IOError as e:
-            raise RuntimeError('Cannot write image in directory %s: %s' % (targetdir, e))
+        except IOError:
+            raise RuntimeError('Cannot save image.')
     def autocontrastImage(self):
         gamma = self.opt.gamma
diff --git a/kcc/metadata.py b/kcc/metadata.py
index da57e12..60d19cf 100644
--- a/kcc/metadata.py
+++ b/kcc/metadata.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class MetadataParser:
                 workdir = mkdtemp('', 'KCC-')
                 tmpXML = os.path.join(workdir, 'ComicInfo.xml')
                 output = Popen('7za e "' + self.source + '" ComicInfo.xml -o"' + workdir + '"',
-                               stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+                               stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
                 extracted = False
                 for line in output.stdout:
                     if b"Everything is Ok" in line or b"No files to process" in line:
@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ class MetadataParser:
             elif rarfile.is_rarfile(self.source):
                 raise NotImplementedError
             elif is_7zfile(self.source):
-                output = Popen('7za a "' + self.source + '" "' + tmpXML + '"', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
+                output = Popen('7za a "' + self.source + '" "' + tmpXML + '"',
+                               stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
                 extracted = False
                 for line in output.stdout:
                     if b"Everything is Ok" in line: