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authorPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@vulturis.eu>2014-05-05 10:42:16 +0200
committerPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@vulturis.eu>2014-05-05 10:42:16 +0200
commit7f80dacea8f2a0e454badbca765e3c48c1481a17 (patch)
parentPreliminary implementation of DualMetaFix (diff)
Finished implementation of DualMetaFix
3 files changed, 24 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/kcc/KCC_gui.py b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
index e7cb18e..75d3aff 100644
--- a/kcc/KCC_gui.py
+++ b/kcc/KCC_gui.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from html.parser import HTMLParser
 from psutil import virtual_memory, Popen, Process
 from .shared import md5Checksum
 from . import comic2ebook
-from . import kindlesplit
+from . import dualmetafix
 from . import KCC_rc_web
 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
     from . import KCC_ui_osx as KCC_ui
@@ -303,27 +303,20 @@ class KindleGenThread(QtCore.QRunnable):
             self.signals.result.emit([kindlegenErrorCode, kindlegenError, self.work])
-class KindleUnpackThread(QtCore.QRunnable):
+class DualMetaFixThread(QtCore.QRunnable):
     def __init__(self, batch):
-        super(KindleUnpackThread, self).__init__()
+        super(DualMetaFixThread, self).__init__()
         self.signals = WorkerSignals()
         self.work = batch
     def run(self):
-        item = self.work[0]
-        profile = self.work[1]
+        item = self.work
         mobiPath = item.replace('.epub', '.mobi')
         move(mobiPath, mobiPath + '_toclean')
-            # MOBI file produced by KindleGen is hybrid. KF8 + M7 + Source header
-            # KindleSplit is removing redundant data as we need only KF8 part for new Kindle models
-            if profile in ['K345', 'KHD', 'KF', 'KFHD', 'KFHD8', 'KFHDX', 'KFHDX8', 'KFA']:
-                newKindle = True
-            else:
-                newKindle = False
-            mobisplit = kindlesplit.mobi_split(mobiPath + '_toclean', newKindle)
-            open(mobiPath, 'wb').write(mobisplit.getResult())
+            mobiedit = dualmetafix.DualMobiMetaFix(mobiPath + '_toclean')
+            open(mobiPath, 'wb').write(mobiedit.getresult())
         except Exception as err:
             self.signals.result.emit([False, format(err)])
@@ -501,14 +494,13 @@ class WorkerThread(QtCore.QThread):
                     if self.kindlegenErrorCode[0] == 0:
                         GUI.progress.content = ''
                         MW.addMessage.emit('Creating MOBI files... <b>Done!</b>', 'info', True)
-                        MW.addMessage.emit('Cleaning MOBI files', 'info', False)
-                        GUI.progress.content = 'Cleaning MOBI files'
+                        MW.addMessage.emit('Processing MOBI files', 'info', False)
+                        GUI.progress.content = 'Processing MOBI files'
                         self.workerOutput = []
-                        # Multithreading KindleUnpack in current form is a waste of resources.
-                        # Unless we higly optimise KindleUnpack or drop 32bit support this will not change.
+                        # DualMetaFix is very fast and there is not reason to use multithreading.
                         for item in outputPath:
-                            worker = KindleUnpackThread([item, profile])
+                            worker = DualMetaFixThread(item)
@@ -529,7 +521,7 @@ class WorkerThread(QtCore.QThread):
                                     except Exception:
                                 GUI.completedWork[os.path.basename(mobiPath)] = mobiPath
-                            MW.addMessage.emit('Cleaning MOBI files... <b>Done!</b>', 'info', True)
+                            MW.addMessage.emit('Processing MOBI files... <b>Done!</b>', 'info', True)
                             GUI.progress.content = ''
                             for item in outputPath:
@@ -538,8 +530,8 @@ class WorkerThread(QtCore.QThread):
                                 if os.path.exists(mobiPath + '_toclean'):
                                     os.remove(mobiPath + '_toclean')
-                            MW.addMessage.emit('KindleUnpack failed to clean MOBI file!', 'error', False)
-                            MW.addTrayMessage.emit('KindleUnpack failed to clean MOBI file!', 'Critical')
+                            MW.addMessage.emit('Failed to process MOBI file!', 'error', False)
+                            MW.addTrayMessage.emit('Failed to process MOBI file!', 'Critical')
                         GUI.progress.content = ''
                         epubSize = (os.path.getsize(self.kindlegenErrorCode[2]))//1024//1024
diff --git a/kcc/dualmetafix.py b/kcc/dualmetafix.py
index db07933..b8c3d06 100644
--- a/kcc/dualmetafix.py
+++ b/kcc/dualmetafix.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import struct
+from uuid import uuid4
 class DualMetaFixException(Exception):
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ def replacesection(datain, secno, secdata):
     if len(secdata) != seclen:
         raise DualMetaFixException('section length change in replacesection')
     datalst = [datain[0:secstart], secdata, datain[secend:]]
-    dataout = b"".join(datalst)
+    dataout = b''.join(datalst)
     return dataout
@@ -135,9 +136,11 @@ def del_exth(rec0, exth_num):
 class DualMobiMetaFix:
-    def __init__(self, infile, asin):
+    def __init__(self, infile):
         self.datain = open(infile, 'rb').read()
         self.datain_rec0 = readsection(self.datain, 0)
+        # noinspection PyArgumentList
+        self.asin = bytes(uuid4(), 'UTF-8')
         # in the first mobi header
         # add 501 to "EBOK", add 113 as asin, add 504 as asin
@@ -145,9 +148,9 @@ class DualMobiMetaFix:
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 501)
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 113)
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 504)
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 501, b"EBOK")
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 113, asin)
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 504, asin)
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 501, b'EBOK')
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 113, self.asin)
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 504, self.asin)
         self.datain = replacesection(self.datain, 0, rec0)
         ver = getint(self.datain_rec0, mobi_version)
@@ -174,9 +177,9 @@ class DualMobiMetaFix:
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 501)
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 113)
         rec0 = del_exth(rec0, 504)
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 501, b"EBOK")
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 113, asin)
-        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 504, asin)
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 501, b'EBOK')
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 113, self.asin)
+        rec0 = add_exth(rec0, 504, self.asin)
         self.datain = replacesection(self.datain, datain_kf8, rec0)
     def getresult(self):
diff --git a/kcc/kindlesplit.py b/kcc/kindlesplit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb7385b..0000000
--- a/kcc/kindlesplit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Based on initial version of KindleUnpack. Copyright (C) 2009 Charles M. Hannum <root@ihack.net>
-# Improvements Copyright (C) 2009-2012 P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding
-# Changes for KCC Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Pawel Jastrzebski <pawelj@vulturis.eu>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import struct
-# from uuid import uuid4
-# important  pdb header offsets
-unique_id_seed = 68
-number_of_pdb_records = 76
-# important palmdoc header offsets
-book_length = 4
-book_record_count = 8
-first_pdb_record = 78
-# important rec0 offsets
-length_of_book = 4
-mobi_header_base = 16
-mobi_header_length = 20
-mobi_type = 24
-mobi_version = 36
-first_non_text = 80
-title_offset = 84
-first_image_record = 108
-first_content_index = 192
-last_content_index = 194
-kf8_last_content_index = 192  # for KF8 mobi headers
-fcis_index = 200
-flis_index = 208
-srcs_index = 224
-srcs_count = 228
-primary_index = 244
-datp_index = 256
-huffoff = 112
-hufftbloff = 120
-def getint(datain, ofs, sz='L'):
-    i, = struct.unpack_from('>'+sz, datain, ofs)
-    return i
-def writeint(datain, ofs, n, length='L'):
-    if length == 'L':
-        return datain[:ofs]+struct.pack('>L', n)+datain[ofs+4:]
-    else:
-        return datain[:ofs]+struct.pack('>H', n)+datain[ofs+2:]
-def getsecaddr(datain, secno):
-    nsec = getint(datain, number_of_pdb_records, 'H')
-    assert secno >= 0 & secno < nsec, 'secno %d out of range (nsec=%d)' % (secno, nsec)
-    secstart = getint(datain, first_pdb_record+secno*8)
-    if secno == nsec-1:
-        secend = len(datain)
-    else:
-        secend = getint(datain, first_pdb_record+(secno+1)*8)
-    return secstart, secend
-def readsection(datain, secno):
-    secstart, secend = getsecaddr(datain, secno)
-    return datain[secstart:secend]
-def writesection(datain, secno, secdata):  # overwrite, accounting for different length
-    dataout = deletesectionrange(datain, secno, secno)
-    return insertsection(dataout, secno, secdata)
-def nullsection(datain, secno):  # make it zero-length without deleting it
-    datalst = []
-    nsec = getint(datain, number_of_pdb_records, 'H')
-    secstart, secend = getsecaddr(datain, secno)
-    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain, 0)
-    dif = secend-secstart
-    datalst.append(datain[:first_pdb_record])
-    for i in range(0, secno+1):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    for i in range(secno+1, nsec):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        ofs -= dif
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    lpad = zerosecstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*nsec)
-    if lpad > 0:
-        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
-    datalst.append(datain[zerosecstart: secstart])
-    datalst.append(datain[secend:])
-    dataout = b"".join(datalst)
-    return dataout
-def deletesectionrange(datain, firstsec, lastsec):  # delete a range of sections
-    datalst = []
-    firstsecstart, firstsecend = getsecaddr(datain, firstsec)
-    lastsecstart, lastsecend = getsecaddr(datain, lastsec)
-    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain, 0)
-    dif = lastsecend - firstsecstart + 8*(lastsec-firstsec+1)
-    nsec = getint(datain, number_of_pdb_records, 'H')
-    datalst.append(datain[:unique_id_seed])
-    datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', 2*(nsec-(lastsec-firstsec+1))+1))
-    datalst.append(datain[unique_id_seed+4:number_of_pdb_records])
-    datalst.append(struct.pack('>H', nsec-(lastsec-firstsec+1)))
-    newstart = zerosecstart - 8*(lastsec-firstsec+1)
-    for i in range(0, firstsec):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        ofs -= 8 * (lastsec - firstsec + 1)
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    for i in range(lastsec+1, nsec):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        ofs -= dif
-        flgval = 2*(i-(lastsec-firstsec+1))
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*(nsec - (lastsec - firstsec + 1)))
-    if lpad > 0:
-        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
-    datalst.append(datain[zerosecstart:firstsecstart])
-    datalst.append(datain[lastsecend:])
-    dataout = b"".join(datalst)
-    return dataout
-def insertsection(datain, secno, secdata):  # insert a new section
-    datalst = []
-    nsec = getint(datain, number_of_pdb_records, 'H')
-    secstart, secend = getsecaddr(datain, secno)
-    zerosecstart, zerosecend = getsecaddr(datain, 0)
-    dif = len(secdata)
-    datalst.append(datain[:unique_id_seed])
-    datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', 2*(nsec+1)+1))
-    datalst.append(datain[unique_id_seed+4:number_of_pdb_records])
-    datalst.append(struct.pack('>H', nsec+1))
-    newstart = zerosecstart + 8
-    for i in range(0, secno):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        ofs += 8
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', secstart + 8) + struct.pack('>L', (2*secno)))
-    for i in range(secno, nsec):
-        ofs, flgval = struct.unpack_from('>2L', datain, first_pdb_record+i*8)
-        ofs = ofs + dif + 8
-        flgval = 2*(i+1)
-        datalst.append(struct.pack('>L', ofs) + struct.pack('>L', flgval))
-    lpad = newstart - (first_pdb_record + 8*(nsec + 1))
-    if lpad > 0:
-        datalst.append(b'\0' * lpad)
-    datalst.append(datain[zerosecstart:secstart])
-    datalst.append(secdata)
-    datalst.append(datain[secstart:])
-    dataout = b"".join(datalst)
-    return dataout
-def insertsectionrange(sectionsource, firstsec, lastsec, sectiontarget, targetsec):  # insert a range of sections
-    dataout = sectiontarget
-    for idx in range(lastsec, firstsec-1, -1):
-        dataout = insertsection(dataout, targetsec, readsection(sectionsource, idx))
-    return dataout
-def get_exth_params(rec0):
-    ebase = mobi_header_base + getint(rec0, mobi_header_length)
-    elen = getint(rec0, ebase+4)
-    enum = getint(rec0, ebase+8)
-    return ebase, elen, enum
-def add_exth(rec0, exth_num, exth_bytes):
-    ebase, elen, enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
-    newrecsize = 8+len(exth_bytes)
-    newrec0 = rec0[0:ebase+4]+struct.pack('>L', elen+newrecsize)+struct.pack('>L', enum+1) +\
-        struct.pack('>L', exth_num) + struct.pack('>L', newrecsize)+exth_bytes+rec0[ebase+12:]
-    newrec0 = writeint(newrec0, title_offset, getint(newrec0, title_offset)+newrecsize)
-    return newrec0
-def read_exth(rec0, exth_num):
-    exth_values = []
-    ebase, elen, enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
-    ebase += 12
-    while enum > 0:
-        exth_id = getint(rec0, ebase)
-        if exth_id == exth_num:
-            # We might have multiple exths, so build a list.
-            exth_values.append(rec0[ebase+8:ebase+getint(rec0, ebase+4)])
-        enum -= 1
-        ebase = ebase+getint(rec0, ebase+4)
-    return exth_values
-def write_exth(rec0, exth_num, exth_bytes):
-    ebase, elen, enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
-    ebase_idx = ebase+12
-    enum_idx = enum
-    while enum_idx > 0:
-        exth_id = getint(rec0, ebase_idx)
-        if exth_id == exth_num:
-            dif = len(exth_bytes)+8-getint(rec0, ebase_idx+4)
-            newrec0 = rec0
-            if dif != 0:
-                newrec0 = writeint(newrec0, title_offset, getint(newrec0, title_offset)+dif)
-            return newrec0[:ebase+4]+struct.pack('>L', elen+len(exth_bytes)+8-getint(rec0, ebase_idx+4)) +\
-                struct.pack('>L', enum)+rec0[ebase+12:ebase_idx+4] +\
-                struct.pack('>L', len(exth_bytes)+8)+exth_bytes +\
-                rec0[ebase_idx+getint(rec0, ebase_idx+4):]
-        enum_idx -= 1
-        ebase_idx = ebase_idx+getint(rec0, ebase_idx+4)
-    return rec0
-def del_exth(rec0, exth_num):
-    ebase, elen, enum = get_exth_params(rec0)
-    ebase_idx = ebase+12
-    enum_idx = 0
-    while enum_idx < enum:
-        exth_id = getint(rec0, ebase_idx)
-        exth_size = getint(rec0, ebase_idx+4)
-        if exth_id == exth_num:
-            newrec0 = rec0
-            newrec0 = writeint(newrec0, title_offset, getint(newrec0, title_offset)-exth_size)
-            newrec0 = newrec0[:ebase_idx]+newrec0[ebase_idx+exth_size:]
-            newrec0 = newrec0[0:ebase+4]+struct.pack('>L', elen-exth_size)+struct.pack('>L', enum-1)+newrec0[ebase+12:]
-            return newrec0
-        enum_idx += 1
-        ebase_idx = ebase_idx+exth_size
-    return rec0
-class mobi_split:
-    def __init__(self, infile, newKindle):
-        try:
-            datain = open(infile, 'rb').read()
-            datain_rec0 = readsection(datain, 0)
-            ver = getint(datain_rec0, mobi_version)
-            # fake_asin = str(uuid4())
-            self.combo = (ver != 8)
-            if not self.combo:
-                return
-            exth121 = read_exth(datain_rec0, 121)
-            if len(exth121) == 0:
-                self.combo = False
-                return
-            else:
-                # only pay attention to first exth121
-                # (there should only be one)
-                datain_kf8, = struct.unpack_from('>L', exth121[0], 0)
-                if datain_kf8 == 0xffffffff:
-                    self.combo = False
-                    return
-            datain_kfrec0 = readsection(datain, datain_kf8)
-            firstimage = getint(datain_rec0, first_image_record)
-            lastimage = getint(datain_rec0, last_content_index, 'H')
-            if not newKindle:
-                # create the standalone mobi7
-                num_sec = getint(datain, number_of_pdb_records, 'H')
-                # remove BOUNDARY up to but not including ELF record
-                self.result_file = deletesectionrange(datain, datain_kf8-1, num_sec-2)
-                # check if there are SRCS records and delete them
-                srcs = getint(datain_rec0, srcs_index)
-                num_srcs = getint(datain_rec0, srcs_count)
-                if srcs != 0xffffffff and num_srcs > 0:
-                    self.result_file = deletesectionrange(self.result_file, srcs, srcs+num_srcs-1)
-                    datain_rec0 = writeint(datain_rec0, srcs_index, 0xffffffff)
-                    datain_rec0 = writeint(datain_rec0, srcs_count, 0)
-                # reset the EXTH 121 KF8 Boundary meta data to 0xffffffff
-                datain_rec0 = write_exth(datain_rec0, 121, struct.pack('>L', 0xffffffff))
-                # datain_rec0 = del_exth(datain_rec0,121)
-                # datain_rec0 = del_exth(datain_rec0,534)
-                # don't remove the EXTH 125 KF8 Count of Resources, seems to be present in mobi6 files as well
-                # set the EXTH 129 KF8 Masthead / Cover Image string to the null string
-                datain_rec0 = write_exth(datain_rec0, 129, b'')
-                # don't remove the EXTH 131 KF8 Unidentified Count, seems to be present in mobi6 files as well
-                # Make sure we have an ASIN & cdeType set...
-                # if len(read_exth(datain_rec0, 113)) == 0:
-                #     datain_rec0 = add_exth(datain_rec0, 113, fake_asin)
-                # if len(read_exth(datain_rec0, 504)) == 0:
-                #     datain_rec0 = add_exth(datain_rec0, 504, fake_asin)
-                if len(read_exth(datain_rec0, 501)) == 0:
-                    datain_rec0 = add_exth(datain_rec0, 501, b'EBOK')
-                # need to reset flags stored in 0x80-0x83
-                # old mobi with exth: 0x50, mobi7 part with exth: 0x1850, mobi8 part with exth: 0x1050
-                # Bit Flags
-                # 0x1000 = Bit 12 indicates if embedded fonts are used or not
-                # 0x0800 = means this Header points to *shared* images/resource/fonts ??
-                # 0x0080 = unknown new flag, why is this now being set by Kindlegen 2.8?
-                # 0x0040 = exth exists
-                # 0x0010 = Not sure but this is always set so far
-                fval, = struct.unpack_from('>L', datain_rec0, 0x80)
-                # need to remove flag 0x0800 for KindlePreviewer 2.8 and unset Bit 12 for embedded fonts
-                fval &= 0x07FF
-                datain_rec0 = datain_rec0[:0x80] + struct.pack('>L', fval) + datain_rec0[0x84:]
-                self.result_file = writesection(self.result_file, 0, datain_rec0)
-                if lastimage == 0xffff:
-                    # find the lowest of the next sections and copy up to that.
-                    ofs_list = [(kf8_last_content_index, 'L'), (fcis_index, 'L'), (flis_index, 'L'), (datp_index, 'L'),
-                                (hufftbloff, 'L')]
-                    for ofs, sz in ofs_list:
-                        n = getint(datain_kfrec0, ofs, sz)
-                        if 0 < n < lastimage:
-                            lastimage = n-1
-                # Try to null out FONT and RES, but leave the (empty) PDB record so image refs remain valid
-                for i in range(firstimage, lastimage):
-                    imgsec = readsection(self.result_file, i)
-                    if imgsec[0:4] in ['RESC', 'FONT']:
-                        self.result_file = nullsection(self.result_file, i)
-                # mobi7 finished
-            else:
-                # create standalone mobi8
-                self.result_file = deletesectionrange(datain, 0, datain_kf8-1)
-                target = getint(datain_kfrec0, first_image_record)
-                self.result_file = insertsectionrange(datain, firstimage, lastimage, self.result_file, target)
-                datain_kfrec0 = readsection(self.result_file, 0)
-                # Only keep the correct EXTH 116 StartOffset, KG 2.5 carries over the one from the mobi7 part,
-                # which then points at garbage in the mobi8 part, and confuses FW 3.4
-                kf8starts = read_exth(datain_kfrec0, 116)
-                # If we have multiple StartOffset, keep only the last one
-                kf8start_count = len(kf8starts)
-                while kf8start_count > 1:
-                    kf8start_count -= 1
-                    datain_kfrec0 = del_exth(datain_kfrec0, 116)
-                # update the EXTH 125 KF8 Count of Images/Fonts/Resources
-                datain_kfrec0 = write_exth(datain_kfrec0, 125, struct.pack('>L', lastimage-firstimage+1))
-                # Same dance for the KF8, we want an ASIN & cdeType :)
-                # if len(read_exth(datain_kfrec0, 113)) == 0:
-                #     datain_kfrec0 = add_exth(datain_kfrec0, 113, fake_asin)
-                # if len(read_exth(datain_kfrec0, 504)) == 0:
-                #     datain_kfrec0 = add_exth(datain_kfrec0, 504, fake_asin)
-                if len(read_exth(datain_kfrec0, 501)) == 0:
-                    datain_kfrec0 = add_exth(datain_kfrec0, 501, b'EBOK')
-                # need to reset flags stored in 0x80-0x83
-                # old mobi with exth: 0x50, mobi7 part with exth: 0x1850, mobi8 part with exth: 0x1050
-                # standalone mobi8 with exth: 0x0050
-                # Bit Flags
-                # 0x1000 = Bit 12 indicates if embedded fonts are used or not
-                # 0x0800 = means this Header points to *shared* images/resource/fonts ??
-                # 0x0080 = unknown new flag, why is this now being set by Kindlegen 2.8?
-                # 0x0040 = exth exists
-                # 0x0010 = Not sure but this is always set so far
-                fval, = struct.unpack_from('>L', datain_kfrec0, 0x80)
-                fval &= 0x1FFF
-                fval |= 0x0800
-                datain_kfrec0 = datain_kfrec0[:0x80] + struct.pack('>L', fval) + datain_kfrec0[0x84:]
-                # properly update other index pointers that have been shifted by the insertion of images
-                ofs_list = [(kf8_last_content_index, 'L'), (fcis_index, 'L'), (flis_index, 'L'), (datp_index, 'L'),
-                            (hufftbloff, 'L')]
-                for ofs, sz in ofs_list:
-                    n = getint(datain_kfrec0, ofs, sz)
-                    if n != 0xffffffff:
-                        datain_kfrec0 = writeint(datain_kfrec0, ofs, n+lastimage-firstimage+1, sz)
-                self.result_file = writesection(self.result_file, 0, datain_kfrec0)
-                # mobi8 finished
-        except Exception:
-                raise
-    def getResult(self):
-        return self.result_file