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path: root/setup.py
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authorPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@vulturis.eu>2013-03-08 17:55:26 +0100
committerPaweł Jastrzębski <pawelj@vulturis.eu>2013-03-08 17:55:26 +0100
commit0fd3f6bc0f60549af57423c5ce191fac14a91bc9 (patch)
tree61f5832a49a8404f39eae3c4e350006765abfe12 /setup.py
parentImproved setup_console.py (diff)
setup.py py2exe/app -> cx_freeze
Not tested on OS X.
Diffstat (limited to 'setup.py')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 5e8af6e..8106f72 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,88 +1,39 @@
-py2app/py2exe build script for KCC.
+cx_freeze build script for KCC.
-Will automatically ensure that all build prerequisites are available
-via ez_setup
+Will automatically ensure that all build prerequisites are available via ez_setup
-Usage (Mac OS X):
-    python setup.py py2app
-Usage (Windows):
+Usage (Windows/Mac OS X):
     python setup.py build
 from ez_setup import use_setuptools
 import sys
-from setuptools import setup
+from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
-NAME = 'KindleComicConverter'
+NAME = "KindleComicConverter"
 VERSION = "2.7"
-mainscript = 'kcc.py'
+MAIN = "kcc.py"
-if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-    extra_options = dict(
-        setup_requires=['py2app'],
-        app=[mainscript],
-        options=dict(
-            py2app=dict(
-                argv_emulation=True,
-                iconfile='comic2ebook.icns',
-                plist=dict(
-                    CFBundleName=NAME,
-                    CFBundleShortVersionString=VERSION,
-                    CFBundleGetInfoString=NAME + " " + VERSION + ", written 2012-2013 by Ciro Mattia Gonano",
-                    CFBundleExecutable=NAME,
-                    CFBundleIdentifier='com.github.ciromattia.kcc',
-                    CFBundleSignature='dplt'
-                )
-            )
-        )
-    )
-elif sys.platform == 'win32':
-    from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
+if sys.platform == "darwin":
+    icon = "comic2ebook.icns"
+    base = None
+    buildEXEOptions = {}
+elif sys.platform == "win32":
+    icon = "comic2ebook.ico"
     base = "Win32GUI"
-    extra_options = dict(
-        executables=[Executable("kcc.py", base=base, icon='comic2ebook.ico',
-                                appendScriptToExe=True, appendScriptToLibrary=False)],
-        options=dict(
-            build_exe=dict(
-                compressed=True
-            )
-        )
-    )
-    extra_options = dict(
-        # Normally unix-like platforms will use "setup.py install"
-        # and install the main script as such
-        scripts=[mainscript],
-    )
+    buildEXEOptions = {"include_files": ["comic2ebook.ico"]}
-    name=NAME,
-    version=VERSION,
-    author="Ciro Mattia Gonano",
-    author_email="ciromattia@gmail.com",
-    description="A tool to convert comics (CBR/CBZ/PDFs/image folders) to Mobipocket.",
-    license="ISC License (ISCL)",
-    keywords="kindle comic mobipocket mobi cbz cbr manga",
-    url="http://github.com/ciromattia/kcc",
-    classifiers=[
-        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta'
-        'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)',
-        'Environment :: Console',
-        'Environment :: MacOS X',
-        'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)',
-        'Environment :: X11 Applications',
-        'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
-        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-        'Programming Language :: Python',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
-        'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion',
-        'Topic :: Utilities'
-    ],
-    packages=['kcc'],
-    # make sure to add custom_fixers to the MANIFEST.in
-    include_package_data=True,
-    **extra_options
+    name = NAME,
+    version = VERSION,
+    author = "Ciro Mattia Gonano",
+    author_email = "ciromattia@gmail.com",
+    description = "A tool to convert comics (CBR/CBZ/PDFs/image folders) to MOBI.",
+    license = "ISC License (ISCL)",
+    keywords = "kindle comic mobipocket mobi cbz cbr manga",
+    url = "http://github.com/ciromattia/kcc",
+    options = {"build_exe": buildEXEOptions},
+    executables = [Executable(MAIN, base=base, icon=icon, appendScriptToExe=True, appendScriptToLibrary=False, compress=True)]