// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
// under the Apache License Version 2.0.
// This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/).
// Copyright 2024 Datadog, Inc.
package integrations
import (
// TestResultStatus represents the result status of a test.
type TestResultStatus int
const (
// ResultStatusPass indicates that the test has passed.
ResultStatusPass TestResultStatus = 0
// ResultStatusFail indicates that the test has failed.
ResultStatusFail TestResultStatus = 1
// ResultStatusSkip indicates that the test has been skipped.
ResultStatusSkip TestResultStatus = 2
// ddTslvEvent is an interface that provides common methods for CI visibility events.
type ddTslvEvent interface {
// Context returns the context of the event.
Context() context.Context
// StartTime returns the start time of the event.
StartTime() time.Time
// SetError sets an error on the event.
SetError(err error)
// SetErrorInfo sets detailed error information on the event.
SetErrorInfo(errType string, message string, callstack string)
// SetTag sets a tag on the event.
SetTag(key string, value interface{})
// DdTestSession represents a session for a set of tests.
type DdTestSession interface {
// Command returns the command used to run the session.
Command() string
// Framework returns the testing framework used.
Framework() string
// WorkingDirectory returns the working directory of the session.
WorkingDirectory() string
// Close closes the test session with the given exit code.
Close(exitCode int)
// CloseWithFinishTime closes the test session with the given exit code and finish time.
CloseWithFinishTime(exitCode int, finishTime time.Time)
// GetOrCreateModule returns an existing module or creates a new one with the given name.
GetOrCreateModule(name string) DdTestModule
// GetOrCreateModuleWithFramework returns an existing module or creates a new one with the given name, framework, and framework version.
GetOrCreateModuleWithFramework(name string, framework string, frameworkVersion string) DdTestModule
// GetOrCreateModuleWithFrameworkAndStartTime returns an existing module or creates a new one with the given name, framework, framework version, and start time.
GetOrCreateModuleWithFrameworkAndStartTime(name string, framework string, frameworkVersion string, startTime time.Time) DdTestModule
// DdTestModule represents a module within a test session.
type DdTestModule interface {
// Session returns the test session to which the module belongs.
Session() DdTestSession
// Framework returns the testing framework used by the module.
Framework() string
// Name returns the name of the module.
Name() string
// Close closes the test module.
// CloseWithFinishTime closes the test module with the given finish time.
CloseWithFinishTime(finishTime time.Time)
// GetOrCreateSuite returns an existing suite or creates a new one with the given name.
GetOrCreateSuite(name string) DdTestSuite
// GetOrCreateSuiteWithStartTime returns an existing suite or creates a new one with the given name and start time.
GetOrCreateSuiteWithStartTime(name string, startTime time.Time) DdTestSuite
// DdTestSuite represents a suite of tests within a module.
type DdTestSuite interface {
// Module returns the module to which the suite belongs.
Module() DdTestModule
// Name returns the name of the suite.
Name() string
// Close closes the test suite.
// CloseWithFinishTime closes the test suite with the given finish time.
CloseWithFinishTime(finishTime time.Time)
// CreateTest creates a new test with the given name.
CreateTest(name string) DdTest
// CreateTestWithStartTime creates a new test with the given name and start time.
CreateTestWithStartTime(name string, startTime time.Time) DdTest
// DdTest represents an individual test within a suite.
type DdTest interface {
// Name returns the name of the test.
Name() string
// Suite returns the suite to which the test belongs.
Suite() DdTestSuite
// Close closes the test with the given status.
Close(status TestResultStatus)
// CloseWithFinishTime closes the test with the given status and finish time.
CloseWithFinishTime(status TestResultStatus, finishTime time.Time)
// CloseWithFinishTimeAndSkipReason closes the test with the given status, finish time, and skip reason.
CloseWithFinishTimeAndSkipReason(status TestResultStatus, finishTime time.Time, skipReason string)
// SetTestFunc sets the function to be tested. (Sets the test.source tags and test.codeowners)
SetTestFunc(fn *runtime.Func)
// SetBenchmarkData sets benchmark data for the test.
SetBenchmarkData(measureType string, data map[string]any)
// common
var _ ddTslvEvent = (*ciVisibilityCommon)(nil)
// ciVisibilityCommon is a struct that implements the ddTslvEvent interface and provides common functionality for CI visibility.
type ciVisibilityCommon struct {
startTime time.Time
tags []tracer.StartSpanOption
span tracer.Span
ctx context.Context
mutex sync.Mutex
closed bool
// Context returns the context of the event.
func (c *ciVisibilityCommon) Context() context.Context { return c.ctx }
// StartTime returns the start time of the event.
func (c *ciVisibilityCommon) StartTime() time.Time { return c.startTime }
// SetError sets an error on the event.
func (c *ciVisibilityCommon) SetError(err error) {
c.span.SetTag(ext.Error, err)
// SetErrorInfo sets detailed error information on the event.
func (c *ciVisibilityCommon) SetErrorInfo(errType string, message string, callstack string) {
// set the span with error:1
c.span.SetTag(ext.Error, true)
// set the error type
if errType != "" {
c.span.SetTag(ext.ErrorType, errType)
// set the error message
if message != "" {
c.span.SetTag(ext.ErrorMsg, message)
// set the error stacktrace
if callstack != "" {
c.span.SetTag(ext.ErrorStack, callstack)
// SetTag sets a tag on the event.
func (c *ciVisibilityCommon) SetTag(key string, value interface{}) { c.span.SetTag(key, value) }
// fillCommonTags adds common tags to the span options for CI visibility.
func fillCommonTags(opts []tracer.StartSpanOption) []tracer.StartSpanOption {
opts = append(opts, []tracer.StartSpanOption{
tracer.Tag(constants.Origin, constants.CIAppTestOrigin),
tracer.Tag(ext.ManualKeep, true),
// Apply CI tags
for k, v := range utils.GetCITags() {
opts = append(opts, tracer.Tag(k, v))
return opts