about summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/main/civisibility/utils/ci_providers.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/civisibility/utils/ci_providers.go')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/civisibility/utils/ci_providers.go b/main/civisibility/utils/ci_providers.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb8010c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/civisibility/utils/ci_providers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
+// under the Apache License Version 2.0.
+// This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/).
+// Copyright 2024 Datadog, Inc.
+package utils
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	"ci-visibility-test-github/main/civisibility/constants"
+// providerType defines a function type that returns a map of string key-value pairs.
+type providerType = func() map[string]string
+// providers maps environment variable names to their corresponding CI provider extraction functions.
+var providers = map[string]providerType{
+	"APPVEYOR":            extractAppveyor,
+	"TF_BUILD":            extractAzurePipelines,
+	"BITBUCKET_COMMIT":    extractBitbucket,
+	"BUDDY":               extractBuddy,
+	"BUILDKITE":           extractBuildkite,
+	"CIRCLECI":            extractCircleCI,
+	"GITHUB_SHA":          extractGithubActions,
+	"GITLAB_CI":           extractGitlab,
+	"JENKINS_URL":         extractJenkins,
+	"TEAMCITY_VERSION":    extractTeamcity,
+	"TRAVIS":              extractTravis,
+	"BITRISE_BUILD_SLUG":  extractBitrise,
+	"CF_BUILD_ID":         extractCodefresh,
+	"CODEBUILD_INITIATOR": extractAwsCodePipeline,
+// getEnvVarsJSON returns a JSON representation of the specified environment variables.
+func getEnvVarsJSON(envVars ...string) ([]byte, error) {
+	envVarsMap := make(map[string]string)
+	for _, envVar := range envVars {
+		value := os.Getenv(envVar)
+		if value != "" {
+			envVarsMap[envVar] = value
+		}
+	}
+	return json.Marshal(envVarsMap)
+// getProviderTags extracts CI information from environment variables.
+func getProviderTags() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	for key, provider := range providers {
+		if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); !ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		tags = provider()
+	}
+	// replace with user specific tags
+	replaceWithUserSpecificTags(tags)
+	// Normalize tags
+	normalizeTags(tags)
+	// Expand ~
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = ExpandPath(tag)
+	}
+	// remove empty values
+	for tag, value := range tags {
+		if value == "" {
+			delete(tags, tag)
+		}
+	}
+	return tags
+// normalizeTags normalizes specific tags to remove prefixes and sensitive information.
+func normalizeTags(tags map[string]string) {
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.GitBranch]; ok && tag != "" {
+		if strings.Contains(tag, "refs/tags") || strings.Contains(tag, "origin/tags") || strings.Contains(tag, "refs/heads/tags") {
+			tags[constants.GitTag] = normalizeRef(tag)
+		}
+		tags[constants.GitBranch] = normalizeRef(tag)
+	}
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.GitTag]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.GitTag] = normalizeRef(tag)
+	}
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = filterSensitiveInfo(tag)
+	}
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.CIPipelineURL]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = filterSensitiveInfo(tag)
+	}
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.CIJobURL]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.CIJobURL] = filterSensitiveInfo(tag)
+	}
+	if tag, ok := tags[constants.CIEnvVars]; ok && tag != "" {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = filterSensitiveInfo(tag)
+	}
+// replaceWithUserSpecificTags replaces certain tags with user-specific environment variable values.
+func replaceWithUserSpecificTags(tags map[string]string) {
+	replace := func(tagName, envName string) {
+		tags[tagName] = getEnvironmentVariableIfIsNotEmpty(envName, tags[tagName])
+	}
+	replace(constants.GitBranch, "DD_GIT_BRANCH")
+	replace(constants.GitTag, "DD_GIT_TAG")
+	replace(constants.GitRepositoryURL, "DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitSHA, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitMessage, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitAuthorName, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitAuthorEmail, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitAuthorDate, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitCommitterName, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitCommitterEmail, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL")
+	replace(constants.GitCommitCommitterDate, "DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE")
+// getEnvironmentVariableIfIsNotEmpty returns the environment variable value if it is not empty, otherwise returns the default value.
+func getEnvironmentVariableIfIsNotEmpty(key string, defaultValue string) string {
+	if value, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); ok && value != "" {
+		return value
+	}
+	return defaultValue
+// normalizeRef normalizes a Git reference name by removing common prefixes.
+func normalizeRef(name string) string {
+	// Define the prefixes to remove
+	prefixes := []string{"refs/heads/", "refs/", "origin/", "tags/"}
+	// Iterate over prefixes and remove them if present
+	for _, prefix := range prefixes {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
+			name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)
+		}
+	}
+	return name
+// firstEnv returns the value of the first non-empty environment variable from the provided list.
+func firstEnv(keys ...string) string {
+	for _, key := range keys {
+		if value, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); ok {
+			if value != "" {
+				return value
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ""
+// extractAppveyor extracts CI information specific to Appveyor.
+func extractAppveyor() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	url := fmt.Sprintf("https://ci.appveyor.com/project/%s/builds/%s", os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME"), os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_BUILD_ID"))
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "appveyor"
+	if os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_PROVIDER") == "github" {
+		tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = fmt.Sprintf("https://github.com/%s.git", os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME"))
+	} else {
+		tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME")
+	}
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_BUILD_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = url
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = url
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE"), os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE_EXTENDED"))
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorName] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorEmail] = os.Getenv("APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL")
+	return tags
+// extractAzurePipelines extracts CI information specific to Azure Pipelines.
+func extractAzurePipelines() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	baseURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/_build/results?buildId=%s", os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI"), os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID"), os.Getenv("BUILD_BUILDID"))
+	pipelineURL := baseURL
+	jobURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s&view=logs&j=%s&t=%s", baseURL, os.Getenv("SYSTEM_JOBID"), os.Getenv("SYSTEM_TASKINSTANCEID"))
+	branch := ""
+	tag := ""
+	if strings.Contains(branchOrTag, "tags/") {
+		tag = branchOrTag
+	} else {
+		branch = branchOrTag
+	}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "azurepipelines"
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("BUILD_BUILDID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BUILD_BUILDID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = pipelineURL
+	tags[constants.CIStageName] = os.Getenv("SYSTEM_STAGEDISPLAYNAME")
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("SYSTEM_JOBDISPLAYNAME")
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = jobURL
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = branch
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = tag
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONMESSAGE")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorName] = os.Getenv("BUILD_REQUESTEDFORID")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorEmail] = os.Getenv("BUILD_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractBitrise extracts CI information specific to Bitrise.
+func extractBitrise() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "bitrise"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("GIT_REPOSITORY_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = firstEnv("BITRISE_GIT_COMMIT", "GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = firstEnv("BITRISEIO_GIT_BRANCH_DEST", "BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_GIT_TAG")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_BUILD_SLUG")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_BUILD_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("BITRISE_GIT_MESSAGE")
+	return tags
+// extractBitbucket extracts CI information specific to Bitbucket.
+func extractBitbucket() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	url := fmt.Sprintf("https://bitbucket.org/%s/addon/pipelines/home#!/results/%s", os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME"), os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER"))
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "bitbucket"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = firstEnv("BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN", "BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_COMMIT")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_TAG")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = strings.Trim(os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_PIPELINE_UUID"), "{}")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = url
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = url
+	return tags
+// extractBuddy extracts CI information specific to Buddy.
+func extractBuddy() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "buddy"
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", os.Getenv("BUDDY_PIPELINE_ID"), os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID"))
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION")
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_SCM_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_TAG")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_MESSAGE")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitCommitterName] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_COMMITTER_NAME")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitCommitterEmail] = os.Getenv("BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_COMMITTER_EMAIL")
+	return tags
+// extractBuildkite extracts CI information specific to Buildkite.
+func extractBuildkite() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_COMMIT")
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_REPO")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_TAG")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL"), os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID"))
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "buildkite"
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_CHECKOUT_PATH")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_MESSAGE")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorName] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_AUTHOR")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorEmail] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_AUTHOR_EMAIL")
+	tags[constants.CINodeName] = os.Getenv("BUILDKITE_AGENT_ID")
+	jsonString, err := getEnvVarsJSON("BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID", "BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	var extraTags []string
+	envVars := os.Environ()
+	for _, envVar := range envVars {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(envVar, "BUILDKITE_AGENT_META_DATA_") {
+			envVarAsTag := envVar
+			envVarAsTag = strings.TrimPrefix(envVarAsTag, "BUILDKITE_AGENT_META_DATA_")
+			envVarAsTag = strings.ToLower(envVarAsTag)
+			envVarAsTag = strings.Replace(envVarAsTag, "=", ":", 1)
+			extraTags = append(extraTags, envVarAsTag)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(extraTags) != 0 {
+		// HACK: Sorting isn't actually needed, but it simplifies testing if the order is consistent
+		sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(extraTags)))
+		jsonString, err = json.Marshal(extraTags)
+		if err == nil {
+			tags[constants.CINodeLabels] = string(jsonString)
+		}
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractCircleCI extracts CI information specific to CircleCI.
+func extractCircleCI() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "circleci"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_SHA1")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_TAG")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = fmt.Sprintf("https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/workflows/%s", os.Getenv("CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID"))
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_JOB")
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = os.Getenv("CIRCLE_BUILD_URL")
+	jsonString, err := getEnvVarsJSON("CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM", "CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractGithubActions extracts CI information specific to GitHub Actions.
+func extractGithubActions() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	branchOrTag := firstEnv("GITHUB_HEAD_REF", "GITHUB_REF")
+	tag := ""
+	branch := ""
+	if strings.Contains(branchOrTag, "tags/") {
+		tag = branchOrTag
+	} else {
+		branch = branchOrTag
+	}
+	serverURL := os.Getenv("GITHUB_SERVER_URL")
+	if serverURL == "" {
+		serverURL = "https://github.com"
+	}
+	serverURL = strings.TrimSuffix(serverURL, "/")
+	rawRepository := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", serverURL, os.Getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY"))
+	pipelineID := os.Getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID")
+	commitSha := os.Getenv("GITHUB_SHA")
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "github"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = rawRepository + ".git"
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = commitSha
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = branch
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = tag
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("GITHUB_WORKSPACE")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = pipelineID
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("GITHUB_WORKFLOW")
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/commit/%s/checks", rawRepository, commitSha)
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("GITHUB_JOB")
+	attempts := os.Getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT")
+	if attempts == "" {
+		tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/actions/runs/%s", rawRepository, pipelineID)
+	} else {
+		tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/actions/runs/%s/attempts/%s", rawRepository, pipelineID, attempts)
+	}
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractGitlab extracts CI information specific to GitLab.
+func extractGitlab() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	url := os.Getenv("CI_PIPELINE_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "gitlab"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = os.Getenv("CI_REPOSITORY_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("CI_COMMIT_SHA")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = firstEnv("CI_COMMIT_BRANCH", "CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("CI_COMMIT_TAG")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("CI_PROJECT_DIR")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("CI_PIPELINE_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("CI_PROJECT_PATH")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("CI_PIPELINE_IID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = url
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = os.Getenv("CI_JOB_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("CI_JOB_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIStageName] = os.Getenv("CI_JOB_STAGE")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE")
+	tags[constants.CINodeName] = os.Getenv("CI_RUNNER_ID")
+	tags[constants.CINodeLabels] = os.Getenv("CI_RUNNER_TAGS")
+	author := os.Getenv("CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR")
+	authorArray := strings.FieldsFunc(author, func(s rune) bool {
+		return s == '<' || s == '>'
+	})
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorName] = strings.TrimSpace(authorArray[0])
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorEmail] = strings.TrimSpace(authorArray[1])
+	tags[constants.GitCommitAuthorDate] = os.Getenv("CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP")
+	jsonString, err := getEnvVarsJSON("CI_PROJECT_URL", "CI_PIPELINE_ID", "CI_JOB_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractJenkins extracts CI information specific to Jenkins.
+func extractJenkins() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "jenkins"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = firstEnv("GIT_URL", "GIT_URL_1")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("GIT_COMMIT")
+	branchOrTag := os.Getenv("GIT_BRANCH")
+	empty := []byte("")
+	name, hasName := os.LookupEnv("JOB_NAME")
+	if strings.Contains(branchOrTag, "tags/") {
+		tags[constants.GitTag] = branchOrTag
+	} else {
+		tags[constants.GitBranch] = branchOrTag
+		// remove branch for job name
+		removeBranch := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", normalizeRef(branchOrTag)))
+		name = string(removeBranch.ReplaceAll([]byte(name), empty))
+	}
+	if hasName {
+		removeVars := regexp.MustCompile("/[^/]+=[^/]*")
+		name = string(removeVars.ReplaceAll([]byte(name), empty))
+	}
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("WORKSPACE")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("BUILD_TAG")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = name
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("BUILD_URL")
+	tags[constants.CINodeName] = os.Getenv("NODE_NAME")
+	jsonString, err := getEnvVarsJSON("DD_CUSTOM_TRACE_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	nodeLabels := os.Getenv("NODE_LABELS")
+	if len(nodeLabels) > 0 {
+		labelsArray := strings.Split(nodeLabels, " ")
+		jsonString, err := json.Marshal(labelsArray)
+		if err == nil {
+			tags[constants.CINodeLabels] = string(jsonString)
+		}
+	}
+	return tags
+// extractTeamcity extracts CI information specific to TeamCity.
+func extractTeamcity() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "teamcity"
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = os.Getenv("BUILD_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME")
+	return tags
+// extractCodefresh extracts CI information specific to Codefresh.
+func extractCodefresh() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "codefresh"
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("CF_BUILD_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = os.Getenv("CF_PIPELINE_NAME")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("CF_BUILD_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIJobName] = os.Getenv("CF_STEP_NAME")
+	jsonString, err := getEnvVarsJSON("CF_BUILD_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	cfBranch := os.Getenv("CF_BRANCH")
+	isTag := strings.Contains(cfBranch, "tags/")
+	var refKey string
+	if isTag {
+		refKey = constants.GitTag
+	} else {
+		refKey = constants.GitBranch
+	}
+	tags[refKey] = normalizeRef(cfBranch)
+	return tags
+// extractTravis extracts CI information specific to Travis CI.
+func extractTravis() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	prSlug := os.Getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG")
+	repoSlug := prSlug
+	if strings.TrimSpace(repoSlug) == "" {
+		repoSlug = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG")
+	}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "travisci"
+	tags[constants.GitRepositoryURL] = fmt.Sprintf("https://github.com/%s.git", repoSlug)
+	tags[constants.GitCommitSHA] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_COMMIT")
+	tags[constants.GitTag] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_TAG")
+	tags[constants.GitBranch] = firstEnv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH", "TRAVIS_BRANCH")
+	tags[constants.CIWorkspacePath] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_ID")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineNumber] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER")
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineName] = repoSlug
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineURL] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_WEB_URL")
+	tags[constants.CIJobURL] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL")
+	tags[constants.GitCommitMessage] = os.Getenv("TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE")
+	return tags
+// extractAwsCodePipeline extracts CI information specific to AWS CodePipeline.
+func extractAwsCodePipeline() map[string]string {
+	tags := map[string]string{}
+	if !strings.HasPrefix(os.Getenv("CODEBUILD_INITIATOR"), "codepipeline") {
+		// CODEBUILD_INITIATOR is defined but this is not a codepipeline build
+		return tags
+	}
+	tags[constants.CIProviderName] = "awscodepipeline"
+	tags[constants.CIPipelineID] = os.Getenv("DD_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID")
+	if err == nil {
+		tags[constants.CIEnvVars] = string(jsonString)
+	}
+	return tags